Healthy Snacks To Have While Losing Weight
Healthy Snacks To Have While Losing Weight
Losing weight is probably the hardest thing to do, but not entirely impossible especially,when you have a plan ready to help you stay on track. Having snacks that are satisfying and delicious will make your journey to your ‘ideal’ weight easier. If you’re sacrificing snacks to cut calories, stop—to lose weight, you need snacks.
It’s important to examine your snacking habits since mindless snacking will cause you to gain weight without even you realising it. It’s important when embarking on a weight loss program to snack smart.
Important to remember is that healthy snacks will help you with weight loss however, watch the portion control and pick snacks that will keep you satiated. Need help sticking to your diet? Start snacking on these good-for-you healthy snacks. Let’s list a few snacks that are both healthy and satisfying.
image credit:gardeningblog.net
Apples have tons of bulky fiber that fills your stomach and they also control your hunger. The best thing about this delicious little fruit is the presence of phytonutrients, like ursolic acid which is found in apple peels and promote fat-burning.
Rooibos tea or mint tea
image credit:vegkitchen.com
Not all teas are equal. Rooibos tea has plant chemicals called flavonoids which reduces cortisol, your stress hormone. Cortisol triggers your sweet cravings and causes your body not to release fat. Drink a nice cuppa Rooibos tea which will help control your sweet cravings and also keep you satisfied. Mint tea is also a good choice as it’s satisfying and soothing too.
Greek yogurt
image credit:storebound.com
One of the best and most satisfying snacks however, be wary of sugar content in some of the brands. Especially, avoid yogurt with added fruit or honey. Ideally, choose the natural yogurt and add extra sweetness with your own fruit at home.
Air-popped popcorn
image credit:bakeryandsnacks.com
Air-popped popcorn, is a high-fiber snack that also helps you stay satiated and is low in calories.
Hard boiled eggs
image credit:besthomechef.com
To improve thyroid function – the gland that manages growth and metabolism – snack in hard boiled eggs. If you like a bit of spice sprinkle some sriracha sauce, it contains capsaicin, a compound found in chili peppers that helps burn calories and fat.
Baked Zucchini Chips
image credit:keeprecipes.com
Cut zucchini into thin slices and toss in 1 Tbsp olive oil, sea salt and pepper. Sprinkle with paprika and bake for 25 to 30 minutes. You get a healthy vegetable snack with the texture of chips. In addition paprika not only adds flavour but also boosts your metabolism, reduces your appetite and lowers blood pressure.
image credit:forums.furaffinity.net
A cup of edamame meets one-third of both your daily fiber and protein needs. If you want them to last longer, suck them straight from the shells. Fiber is the magic ingredient when you’re trying to lose weight; it slows digestion and helps you feel full.
Mediterranean hummus tray
image credit:my.xfinity.com
Cucumbers, olives, and hummus are all high in fiber, low in fat, a delicious snack that feels more like a meal. Your spread should include a cup of cucumber slices, about four kalamata olives, and about four tablespoons of hummus.
Snack smart and your weight will shed away easier without you feeling you are missing out on your favourite snacks.