Topless Travel Photos the new Internet trend.
Topless Travel Photos the new Internet trend.
There’s a new trend on the rise on the Internet, topless travel photos. Goodbye selfies and hello topless travel photos.
The Topless Tour is asking travelers to share photos of their naked upper bods in beautiful natural settings. Before you get carried away, these pics are very tame with only the backs of the travelers showing against beautiful landscape. The principle for this project, started by three adventurous women; Ingvild Marstein Olsen, Lydia Buckler and Olivia Edginton . They are the three women in the main picture above posing topless in a ballet stance in Grimsdalen, Norway.
They have thousands of followers across the world with ‘The Topless Tour’ project. Numerous of men and women around the world are following their lead by shedding their tops for the camera. The principle behind this trend is to experience ‘oneness’ with nature and to truly achieve this connection you need to step away from the veil of society expressed through nakedness. Hence, experiencing a sense of freedom. It is also an attempt to create awareness of our bodies and to learn to embrace them in it’s true form in a place where beauty is spectaculary diverse – nature.
Check out the pics from enthusiastic followers below:
These are beautiful scenic pics contrasted against peoples’s backs who seem to have found the freedom they came searching for.