10 Amazing Hotels Around The World You Never Want To Leave
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10 Amazing Hotels Around The World You Never Want To Leave.
These 10 hotels will inspire you to work harder than ever and earn enough money to go stay a week in them. You will be booking your trip according to where these hotels are located. Look at the collection of these unique hotels that cannot be found anywhere else.
1. Ubud Hanging Gardens, Bali
Image source: ubudhanginggardens.com
2.Ladera Resort, St. Lucia
Image source: ladera.com
3. Sun Cruise Hotel, South Korea
Image source: esuncruise.com
4. Shangri La, Paris
5. Hotel Kakslauttanen, Finland
Image source: kakslauttanen.fi
6. Marqués de Riscal, Spain
Image source: marquesderiscal.com
7. Bora Bora, French Polynesia
Image source: flickr.com worldalldetails.com
8. Magic Mountain Hotel, Chile
Image source: huilohuilo.com
9. Ascher Cliff Restaurant, Switzerland
Image source: myswitzerland.com
10. Leopard Hills – Kruger National Park, South Africa
Image source: luxatic.com
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