3 Tips For Digital Marketing During a Pandemic
3 Tips For Digital Marketing During a Pandemic
Since the beginning of the year, the whole world has been experiencing unprecedented circumstances. Which has been difficult to adapt. So many aspects of our lives had to change because of a global virus outbreak. All the external factors have impacted our mindsets and way of thinking. There is still a lot of general uncertainty. The importance of virtual connections and advanced technology have never seemed more relevant and on the rise. Movement restrictions, lockdowns and fear of contact with other people resulted in the rise of e-commerce as well. Ever since everyone was and still is spending more time online. So, we wanted to explore the best approaches to digital marketing during this period. Particularly, 3 tips for digital marketing during a pandemic.
1. Social media presence
Nowadays, everyone is used to both sharing and receiving content via popular social media platforms on a daily basis. Creating a profile or a page of your business on the most popular platforms is a must! You should start with obligatory Facebook and Instagram. Check if there is anything else really popular among your target group. Reaching out to the audience via posts and of course, stories will regularly remind your clients of your brand. This is the best method for raising your brand awareness, as you can be creative and attract more potential customers. It is recommended to appoint someone from your company to be your social media manager. With the task of updating your profile.
The amazing thing with building your social media presence is that; you don’t have to post strictly basic and company-related content. Sometimes it is enough to share a song or an album you love; ask people of their favourite ones, create polls and ask for movie recommendations. This is a proven method of engaging your audience; and a truly wise way to increase your general visibility and conversion rates. Another crucial aspect of this approach is that you are humanizing your company; by doing so, you render your company palpable and approachable.
Out of various types of content; video is the most engaging form. It became even more popular with a “daily story” option on various platforms, including both Facebook and Instagram. Start with those, as you can do reviews, behind the scenes; a message from the CEO and any other videos you find interesting. If an option, you should have a professional video production company create a short promotional video for your brand. This is always a good thing to have on a website, social media platforms; and will be especially relevant if you plan to invest in paid advertisements on Google, YouTube or some apps.
2. Providing user-friendly experience
You need to understand that the surrounding circumstances are already making people more anxious and frustrated than before the pandemic. Therefore, another crucial issue for your digital marketing revision of upgrades; is to review to what extent are your website and/or application user-friendly. This is best examined via focus groups of your target audience and even your friends and family. Getting honest feedback is the best starting point; whether in the form of a survey, or just a subjective review of the experience with no questions asked. Just make sure to accept constructive criticism. If you are not sure how to handle the improvements; invest in an expert to optimize your website or mobile application.
The latest trends in digital marketing that are no doubt here to stay are SEO and PPC. Optimization we’ve mentioned is called technical, but there are other aspects of it you should at least explore. For example, your competition is probably already providing blog content with certain keywords for search engines, and they have a great reason for it. For people to be able to find your company on the first page. When googling a product or a service or what your company offers; you will need a good ranking on it. It goes the same for other search engines such as Yahoo or Bing. PPC stands for Pay Per Click, and it means paying for advertisements on various web and mobile platforms.
3. Newsletter
Stay in touch with your current customers via email by sending them a weekly newsletter! In the times of such uncertainty, you ought to share any change in your working or delivery hours, for starters. The emails should be personalized by at least several groups, you can use it as a promotional opportunity; to inform them about the latest articles or services on discount or new ones that have just arrived at your store. People who have subscribed should be the first ones to know about what’s new, and you should occasionally encourage them by offering special codes for a discount!
Staying relevant as a brand is nowadays associated with virtual reality, and the pandemic has made it quite clear. Experts all over the world are agreeing that digital marketing is both the present and future of all marketing. As your customers’ mindsets are changing, their needs and expectations do as well, and that is primarily why you need to show them you are keeping up with the latest trends. Because of this, you must be aware that there is always room for improvement, and that you should evaluate your methods regularly. Furthermore, your customers will surely appreciate you valuing their opinion, if you occasionally ask for some feedback.