5 Steps to Advanced Photography Skills

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5 Steps to Advanced Photography Skills

Whether it’s a career or a passionate hobby, photography is a wonderful form of art; that allows us to capture the beauty of the world in a unique and special manner. Like many other artists; photographers can also get stuck in creative ruts; seemingly being unable to change their perspective and improve their abilities in order to take better, more appealing photos. If this happened to you as well; here are some essential steps you could take in an effort to advance your photography skills. With the help of these 5 steps to advanced photography skills.

1. Invest in higher quality equipment

While smartphone cameras have undoubtedly come a long way; and small, pocket cameras are often a very practical solution. You simply cannot expect to take high-quality, professional photographs; without appropriate equipment. So, consider investing in a good DSLR that fits your budget; even a used camera can be a great solution when starting out.

Of course, all photography equipment can be quite costly, and lenses are no exception. If you’re a beginner, invest in one versatile lens like; a standard 35mm-85mm lens that’s perfect for practising anything from portraits to landscapes. If you’re a more advanced photographer; however; consider buying a high-quality lens; that will allow you to focus on the type of photography that appeals to you the most. Whether it’s a wide-angle, macro, or telephoto lens, in an effort to improve your skills.

2. Go over the photography basics

Although it can often seem like taking photographs is as simple as picking up a camera and shooting; there are many aspects to photography beginners often overlook. Apart from learning all the features of your camera; the basics also include lighting, composition, framing, as well as; some helpful aspects like the golden ratio and the rule of thirds.

If you’re a beginner, one of the best things you can do in order to improve your skills is to learn the basics of photography by reading professional books, good blogs online, or by watching helpful videos. Even if you’re more advanced; going over the basics once more could help to refresh your knowledge and pinpoint any mistakes you might be making.

3. Consider taking a professional course

Whether you’re a beginner wanting to learn more about photography; or even a professional aiming to fine-tune your skills; taking a good course can be quite beneficial for all; allowing you to learn new tips and tricks, find new perspectives, and improve your abilities overall.

For that reason, you might want to look into some classes such as great photography workshops in Sydney that are suited to all skill levels. Here, professional, award-winning photographers will work with you to expand your knowledge. Whether that means introducing you to photography through private sessions or even helping you advance your abilities; in a particular topic such as; portrait, travel, or night photography.

4. Find inspiration among artists

Photography is a form of visual art; meaning; you can learn more about taking photos simply by examining and studying great photographs in detail. No matter your current skill level; it’s always a good idea to look at pictures taken by other professional photographers. Whether you find them in books, by visiting galleries and art exhibits, or by searching for inspiration online.

Wherever you find a photograph you particularly like; ask yourself which aspects appeal to you the most; and what exactly is it about the photo that makes it look so good. Once you pinpoint those important aspects; you can easily use them as a reference the next time you decide to shoot.

5. Always ask for honest feedback

Even though putting yourself out there might seem quite frightening at first. The feedback and advice you receive from other professionals; can allow you to pinpoint common mistakes and improve your overall skills. For that reason, you might want to show your pictures to other photographers in your circle, or even post them on image-sharing websites, and ask for honest, constructive criticism.

When selecting which photos to show, be harsh about your criteria. Only find the absolute best of your work to show to other people; as this will allow you to raise your quality standards over time.

While it does take time, patience, and plenty of practice to become a professional photographer.  The incredible tips mentioned above; will allow you to instantly improve your photography skills, and take better shots each time.


Luke is a fitness and health blogger and a great fan of the gym and a healthy diet.

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