6 Crucial Things to Keeping Flowers Fresh
6 Crucial Things to Keeping Flowers Fresh
A bouquet of fresh flowers can be a beautiful gift. However, the greatest problem with this gift is the short life span of the freshly cut flowers.
But there is a solution to this problem, too. Freshly cut flower bouquets can last up to a week when you’re taking proper care of them.
Take a look at these 6 crucial things that you can do to keep your flowers fresh and pretty.
1. Shorten the flower stems
Whether you’ve received the flowers as a gift or you bought them yourself, the first common mistake you’ll make will be immediately placing them into the vase. You shouldn’t do that.
First, cut the stems at least half an inch before placing them into the water. This should be done first because the flowers have been out of water for some time and the stem ends have dried out.
Another important thing is to use garden sheers when cutting off those dried-out stems. The sheers or knife you’re using for cutting should be sharp as you wouldn’t want to crush the stems and prevent the flowers from getting hydration.
Additionally, the stems should be cut at an angle because trimming them allows a more efficient water intake. After you have done the first cut, you should re-cut them every few days.
2. Remove the leaves
Removing the leaves that will be in the water is important as this way you’re preventing the growth of bacteria. Leaves that are left in the water are bound to rot and they also get slimy with certain bacteria that later contaminate the water and shortens your bouquet’s life.
That’s why, before placing the flowers in a vase, make sure you have removed all the leaves that go below water. This will not only aesthetically make the bouquet look nicer but it will also prolong its life.
Also, make sure to regularly remove all the dried leaves and petals.
3. The flower water must be room temperature
When placing your flowers in the vase, check that your water is room temperature. Most flowers love warm or room temperature water. After you have trimmed those stems place the flowers in the warm water and you’ll see how the flowers will drink it up quickly.
4. Flower food and preservatives
Let’s say that flower delivery Brisbane has delivered you a beautiful flower bouquet and you have already done everything we mentioned above, but you just want to make those flowers last even longer.
There is something you can do to make them look fresh and crisp longer than usual. Flowers are living entities and as such, they also require food to keep them alive. You can feed your flowers in several different ways.
Add a tablespoon of apple vinegar and a tablespoon of sugar and mix them into the water that your flowers will be in. Sugar will be the food your flowers need and vinegar will be an antibacterial agent. Or for example, you can add ¼ cup of soda into the flower water and you’ll see how fresh your flowers will look for a long time.
Another good trick includes a crushed vitamin C tablet and sugar mixed into the flower water.
Sugar can help your flowers bloom and it can nourish them, however, don’t go overboard with sugar either. Too much sugar can make plants loose water and then eventually wilt away and die.
Additionally, if you prefer you can buy already prepared cut flower food and preservative and add it to the water in the vase.
5. Change water frequently
The water in the vase should be changed every two to three days. This should be done because of the buildup of bacteria in the water that can harm your flowers. If you went ahead and added that flower food in the form of sugar then the water is probably clouded by now, also that same sugar that feeds your flowers feeds the bacteria too.
Once you have removed the water, wash the vase with soapy warm water to remove all traces of bacteria. After doing all this, fill the water with warm water once again and cut an additional half an inch from the stems and then place them back in the water.
Also, remove the wilted or dead flowers and leaves to keep the bouquet looking nice and fresh.
6. Avoid the direct sun and fruit and keep them in a cool environment
Potted plants love sunlight, cut flowers don’t. That’s why leaving your freshly cut flower bouquet in the sunlight is not a wise idea. Sun and warmth can do the opposite of what you want for your flowers.
That’s why the best place to keep your flower bouquet is in the cool and slightly darker environments. This way you’ll make sure your flowers will last longer and look fresher and nicer for longer than usual.
And if you want to go a step further and make your flowers last even longer, consider placing your flowers in the fridge. Placing your flowers in the fridge overnight, meaning at least 8 hours, can keep your flowers looking fresh for a whole week.
And finally, we come to the fruit part. Never leave your cut flower bouquets next to fruit like bananas. Ripening fruit emits gas ethylene which may cause the faster demise of your freshly cut flowers. Ethylene causes flowers to lose petals and to wilt faster than it normally would.
That’s why when displaying your beautiful bouquet remember to never place it next to fruit or in direct sunlight and warmth. Keep it in cooler and darker environments where it will last longer.
Keeping our beautiful fresh flower bouquets fresh and crisp for longer then they would actually last is possible. Just remember to do all the things mentioned in this article. It doesn’t take much and yet your flowers will last longer and look as beautiful as the day they were first cut.