6 Ways to Ensure You Do Not Lose Your Car Keys

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6 Ways to Ensure You Do Not Lose Your Car Keys

Don’t you hate it when you walk all the way to your car, just to find out that you forgot the keys in the house? That’s not even the worst possible situation! Many times you forget your car keys in the office, a restaurant or tend to lose it in an unknown place.

Losing your car keys can be pretty stressful. Getting locked out of your car when you are in a hurry or in an emergency can be a total disaster! Even though losing your car key can be unpleasant, there is some good news; it can be avoided.

All you need is some patience, precautions and well, amazing organizing skills to ensure that you never lose your precious car keys again.

Here are the few ways to ensure that you never end up losing your keys again. 6 ways to ensure you do not lose your car keys.

1. Organize Your Keys

The reason you tend to forget your car keys when leaving the house or office is due to lack of organization. When something isn’t lying right in front, you will naturally miss it. However, by organizing all your keys and keeping them in an accessible location, you can easily reach out for them whenever you need them.

A good way to sort out and organize your keys is to install a key hook or key tray in an accessible location, such as near your main house door, bedside or above the fridge, etc. At your workplace, you can put up a key hook on your cabin door or keep a key tray on your desk right in front of you, ensuring that it doesn’t get lost in the clutter. By placing your keys in thee locations, you can make sure that you never forget or lose them again!

2. Use Reminders

With so many tasks on your mind, it really isn’t your fault if you miss out on a few things. Individuals with busy schedules tend to forget even the most basic things such as their house or car keys. If you are amongst those forgetful people, here is a solution for you – place a reminder! You don’t need to place sticky notes all over your office or house to remind you to take your keys. There’s a better, more effective solution – mobile phone reminders.

Just place a reminder on your smartphone for crucial times of your day like when you are leaving your house or workplace. This will help ensure that you never forget or lose your keys!

3. Use Big and Bulky Key Chains

If you think the only purpose of a key chain is to add spunk to your keys, then you’re wrong. Instead of limiting yourself to a beautiful looking keychain, invest in a practical one! With the variety of key chains available in the market, you will surely find one that will keep you from forgetting your car keys.  A big and eye-catching keychain will ensure that you don’t miss out on it.

You can also attach your car key to your office card, parking pass and even your wallet. The purpose is to attach your car keys to an item that you carry with you on a daily basis so that you don’t forget them.

4. Adopt Technology

With so many advancements in technology, you might want to make the most of it. Technology has made a lot of activities and things simpler. This includes locating lost things and objects such as your car keys. There are many gadgets available in the market that are designed solely for the purpose of your car keys.

Using transmitters that emit sounds and vibrations, these gadgets help you track and find your car keys conveniently. Moreover, these gadgets are operated mainly through a controller, which can be a little expensive for many people.

You can also get a Bluetooth key finder on your smartphone. By installing a small tracking device on your car key, you can easily track your car keys on your phone and never lose them again!

5. Get a Spare Key

Always keep a spare key with you in case you lose or forget your key somewhere. The main issue isn’t losing your key, it’s about the stressful ‘what to do?!’ situation you are placed in when you misplace it. The best thing to do is to always have a safety net like a spare key so even if you lose your key; you can save yourself a whole lot of trouble. The only thing you need to make sure of is that you store the spare key in a safe yet easily accessible space like your wallet so you can access it when the need arises. If you don’t have a spare key, you can call Sydney car locksmith now to get your key made!

6. Call a Car Locksmith

If you are always forgetting or losing your car keys, you might need to get new ones made. If you’ve lost too many car keys, you can get a lost car keys locksmith to get your car locks replaced. This is just a prevention measure to ensure that nobody gains access to your vehicle. Moreover, getting a new key or your locks changed is also a good option if your current locks are wearing out.

All in all, even after following the aforementioned options you still find yourself losing or misplacing your car keys, you should keep a lost car key locksmith’s phone number with you. With their extensive experience, skills, and expertise, a professional locksmith will be able to help you out and sort out all your car key-related issues!

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