7 Essential Tips for Moving to Australia
7 Essential Tips for Moving to Australia
Oh, Australia! The land of heat and versatile wildlife. So beautiful, you’d want to live there. Can you? Absolutely. Moving to Australia would be one of the biggest steps in your life. However, a different country and different continents require adaptation to the custom way of living.
Australian cities are not so different from large capitals all over the world. On the other hand, you can feel some cultural differences you’ll need to accommodate. So, what are the essentials when moving to Australia? We’ve written this article with 7 tips that will help you move and fit in faster. Read the 7 essential tips for moving to Australia.
1. Get your visa on time
Just like many countries around the world, Australia requires a visa for its future citizens. Whether you plan to stay and live there for a couple of months or make it your new home, you need to secure a visa before you pack your bags and go.
A valid visa is necessary if you’re planning on staying anywhere in the country. The type of visa you need to get depends on your passport and the country where are you from. It also depends whether you’re visiting as a tourist, employee, or a completely new citizen. So, before you apply for the visa, make sure you have all the right paperwork done and ready.
2. Find a job
Moving to a new country completely spontaneously can be much more difficult than you think. Life is not a rom-com where you pack your bags and board on the plane to the unknown with your significant other. You need to plan things before you make them a reality.
That’s why finding a job in Australia is essential before you move. Imagine moving to Brisbane only to find out that all the available positions for your profession are in Sydney. There is no use in travelling across the country, so keep this very important thing in mind.
3. Apartment hunt
Once you’ve found a certain job, you need to secure a place to live. It all depends on whether you’re moving alone, with significant other, or with an entire family. Apartment rents and fees vary across the country, so try to do your research before you decide to move to a completely new continent.
Australian rental fees can be confusing, especially to newly-arrived people. They don’t pay monthly, but weekly fees in Australian Dollars, so make sure that you convert your money the moment you get there. Naturally, large cities have higher rental fees, while in the suburban areas you may find cheaper apartments.
4. Pack for your big move
Just like moving from one city to another, you need to bring all of your essentials with you. Sometimes, that includes the furniture as well! One of the best ways to transport larger pieces of luggage is by cargo. It will arrive later, but it will be secure and in one piece when it gets there.
Of course, you must not neglect your clothes. Don’t forget that if you live in the northern hemisphere, the weather and seasons are opposite down there! So, for instance, if it’s wintertime in your area, it will be heating summer in Straya. So, pack according to that. Many areas in Australia can reach an average temperature of 36 degrees Celsius every day!
5. Learn Aussie lingo
Whether you’re from an English-speaking country or not, you’ll surely notice that Australians speak their own English language. Sure, the rules are the same as in “regular” English, but the accent, slang and terms might confuse you and make you feel alienated!
Therefore, before you actually move to Australia, try to learn some of the most popular Aussie slang and phrases that will help you get around. It will take time to get used to the accent and their language, but before you know it, you’ll be munching shrimps of the barbie and speaking like a true Aussie mate.
6. Make sure you’re legal
As you’re moving to a completely new country, there are laws you’re certainly not familiar with. Even though it’s unrealistic to expect yourself to fit it right away, there are some rules you need to follow to stay out of trouble. Who can help you the most?
If you have an Aussie mate that lives in Australia, he can give you insights in some common ways of behaving, acting, and talking. However, that friend can’t help you with legal issues. That’s why you should hire the best immigration lawyer from Sydney that will help you get your visa approved and settle any legal issues you may be facing. This professional solicitor can give you expert advice on Australian laws and take on your case thoroughly and conscientiously.
7. Get used to the climate and weather
Just like we’ve mentioned, Aussie weather is pretty much different from what you’re used to, especially if you live in the north. That’s why it will take time to acclimate to the weather and get used to the heat and humidity in this country.
Keep in mind that summers are extremely hot, while the winters are mild, but windy and rainy. Over time, you’ll get used to the hot and humid weather. To ease the process of accommodation, consider moving to Australia during your summer and their winter. The change wouldn’t be as shocking as that. Don’t forget to be aware of the sun. Most Aussie citizens wear SPF all year round to protect their skin from harmful UV rays. Try not to forget to put on sunscreen each morning before you live the house to keep your skin youthful and glowing longer.
Australia is a massive country. Moving there can be your biggest dream come true. However, you need to be aware of the regulations and laws before you pack your bags. Follow their immigration policies and hire a reliable lawyer to prevent possible legal issues. Most importantly, learn the lingo, bland in and have fun in the sun!