7 Key Points to Side Effects of Chemotherapy & Precautions to Adapt
7 Key Points to Side Effects of Chemotherapy & Precautions to Adapt
Chemotherapy is a trying treatment which involves the use of nuclear medicine to fight dangerous cells. This short therapy comes with various side effects and patients and those around them should be wary of these.
A few precautions that chemotherapy patients must take include using separate bathrooms. The bodily fluids of a chemotherapy patient aren’t safe for others. Another precaution to take is to wear gloves when handling the patient – caregivers must take extra care to prevent physical contact.
So why must the patient and caregiver be careful? What are the side effects of chemotherapy that make such precautions a necessity? Here are 7 key points to the side effects of chemotherapy & precautions to adapt.
1. A Weakened Immune System
Cancer treatment can severely affect the immune system. During chemotherapy, not only are the cancer cells destroyed but also the healthy immune cells.
Because of this, the patient is susceptible to contracting even the most minor of infections. Hence, it’s essential to keep the environment around the patient as sanitary as possible.
2. Excessive Bleeding and Bruising
Because the body becomes weak, it becomes more prone to bruising and bleeding than it normally was. A cancer patient has to be extra careful not to hurt or injure themselves.
It’s essential that patients take the necessary steps to avoid unnecessary falls and reduce the risk of injury. Doctors should also be consulted if wound healing is slow or if the injury is excessive.
3. Hair Loss
One of the most unfortunate side effects of chemotherapy is hair loss. During treatment, the medicine weakens hair follicles, causing hair to fall out from various areas of the body – this does not happen to all patients, although a majority suffer from this.
Post chemotherapy, hair growth may be thin, sparse, differently coloured or slow. However, luckily, hair does grow back.
4. Excessive Nausea
Excessive nausea and vomiting is also a harsh side effect. Random bouts of nausea are common and patients are sometimes unable to keep their food down.
This is one of the immediate effects of chemotherapy. Patients may have to readjust their dietary needs and or can be prescribed anti-nausea drugs, too.
5. Digestion Problems
Chemotherapy also affects the digestive system. Many patients report severe constipation and diarrhea because the medicine can affect the biology of the digestive tract.
Patients may have to change their diets and avoid foods that they normally ate. Doctors may also prescribe supplements to keep up the patient’s nutrient count and hydration levels up.
6. Rashes and Sores
Chemotherapy leaves external markers like rashes on the skin, sores and even discoloured skin. Some of these can be quite painful and itchy.
Although some rashes and sores can be treated via over the counter mild creams, care must be taken that these patches of skin or wounds don’t fester for a long time.
7. Problems With the Nerves
Some patients may also experience problems with their nerves – this is known as neuropathy. Some patients complain of numbness or tingling, whereas some complaint of electrical tingles or phantom pains.
Usually, the doctor will prescribe drugs to combat this issue, but more research needs to be done to be sure about what can be done to prevent this nerve problem.
Chemotherapy isn’t an easy treatment to undergo. But by being aware of the side effects, patients can be aware of what to expect and how to tackle it better.