Beauty Tips if You Want to Go On a Date

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Beauty Tips if You Want to Go On a Date

If you have ever been on a first date, we can all agree that there is nothing more nerve-wrenching than having to get ready for it. That is all because you will be overwhelmed by all the butterflies, anticipation, and excitement, and it will all cause you to get a bit carried away. Many will take this time to try out new looks, hairstyles that will end badly and stress you out even more. That is why we have prepared some of the best beauty tips for you when you are going on a date. Beauty tips if you want to go on a date

1. Don’t do anything dramatic

This is not the time to go out and try different hairdressers as well as hairstyles. Stick to your familiar things. Your date likes you as you are there is no need to change yourself just because you are going on a first date.

2. Avoid going on facials

Even though many will want to have amazing glowy skin and go to have facials, that is not the smartest thing to do. That is because they can cause break-outs and reactions.

3. Always take the occasion into consideration

No one wants to be underdressed or overdressed that is why you need to make sure that you know the occasion that you are dressing for. If they tell you that it’s a surprise, go for a happy medium just to be safe.

4. Pamper yourself

Once you get out of the shower make sure that you are keeping your skin moisturized and soft. But leading up to the date make sure that you are wearing your Mofosmile aligners to ensure that your smile is as beautiful as it can be.

5. Don’t change yourself

One of the most important things that you need to do is be yourself. What is the point of pretending to be something you’re not? At one point you will need to show them who you are. That is why you should do your usual makeup and enhance your existing features. Don’t go with crazy bold looks just because you heard that they like that. Be the best version of yourself.

6. Prep your eyes

Don’t let the nerves get to you, make sure that you are priming your eyelids before you continue with your makeup. That will ensure that your eye makeup stays intact throughout the whole date.

7. Choose the right foundation

The fast and most important thing when you are doing your makeup is having the foundation that perfectly blends in with your skin colour. Another thing that you should look out for is that it works with your skin type as well. If your skin is oily make sure that you are choosing foundations that are mattifying rather than dewy and vice versa.

8. Don’t forget to use a concealer

If you are struggling with pimples that can’t be hidden with just the foundation, use some concealer to hide any insecurities you might have. Make sure that you are covering your under eyes as well as blending it properly.

9. Make your natural beauty stand out

Even though having a full face of makeup is fun, this might not be the right time to do it because you should focus on making your natural beauty stand out. Instead of doing a full face of makeup goes for something natural. Start by doing your skincare and adding a light layer of foundation and concealer. Go for neutral coloured eyeshadow as well as waterproof mascara. Your ultimate goal is to create a look that will make you look like you aren’t wearing any makeup while accenting your features.

10. Touch-up makeup discreetly

When you are on your date, the chances are that you will need to touch up your makeup. But instead of going to the bathroom and layering on power which will make you cakey, try blotting off the access oils and just reapplying your lip products. This is also a reason why you should avoid high maintenance looks as they will take forever to touch up.

11. Go easy on the perfume

Although you should make sure that you smell amazing on your first date, try not to go crazy with it. All you should do is spray it in the air and walk through it. That will allow the scent to get on you, but it will get on your skin and clothes. It is much better to smell a little bit instead of dowsing yourself in perfume and then smelling aggressive. That will make your date sit closer to you to get to sense your perfume instead of having to stay far because you have too much perfume on.

At the end of the day, the most important thing when you are getting ready for a date is that you feel comfortable in your skin. There is nothing more beautiful than confidence and a true smile.

featured photo by Sangria Señorial on Unsplash
Leo King

Leo King is a 29-year-old passionate part-time writer. He is a novel aficionado and is interested in reading and writing articles. He lives with his wife and family in Sydney.

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