Benefits of Investing in a Split System Air Conditioner
Benefits of Investing in a Split System Air Conditioner
The air conditioners with split systems were first introduced in Japan. But it has now become the most popular type of air conditioning system all over the world. These systems consist of two units. It has an evaporator unit that stays inside the house and a condenser unit installed outside the house. The two parts are connected through a tiny tube without any ductwork or pipelines. This is why these machines are also called duct-free, mini-split, or ductless split air conditioners.
Offices, residences, hospitals, and schools prefer these machines for their efficiency and convenience. Some split machines also come with the ability to keep the room warm in winters. Here are some of the advantages of installing these air conditioners.
Advantages of Air Conditioners with Split Systems
1) Easy Maintenance
These machines work very efficiently and are also low in maintenance. They are incorporated with washable filters, and therefore, the cleaning process is also straightforward. More importantly, the outdoor units are also very easily accessible.
2) Easy Installation
The installation process of these machines is also more straightforward compared to the traditional AC machines. You need to have a three-inch hole on the wall to connect the two units for the wires and the tubing. The condenser unit can also be installed on the flat surface of the roof of your house as there is no need to install the two parts close to each other. The conduit connector can work from varying distances. This feature increases the convenience of using these machines.
3) Silent and smooth
These split systems of air conditioner can work in absolute silence. The traditional window ACs used to make a lot of noise to the extent that it can disrupt the peaceful nights of sleep during the nights. The compressor results in the AC to work, and because it stays outside, you can hardly hear a sound while it is working. For the smooth and silent performance, these ACs are ideal for libraries, schools, hospitals, and bedrooms.
4) Cost-effective
The split ACs may cost you more at the time of purchase, but it saves a lot of your money in terms of reduced electricity bills in the long run. These systems consume very little power in comparison with the other types of ACs. Moreover, unlike the window AC, you don’t need to make any significant changes to your house to install these machines. So, the installation is also very hazardless and cost-effective
5) Versatility
The split systems of air conditioners can be used in a versatile purpose. The indoor unit of these systems can be installed in three ways: on the wall, floor, or ceiling. You can also find independent units for standing installation on the floor. Also, the AC comes with remote controls to easily regulate the temperature of the room from any corner. Each unit of the machine comes with independent remote control for each room.
6) Functionality
The split systems can function round the year. You may not require to invest in different machines for cooling and heating. These ACs not only cool down the air in summers or monsoon but also warm up the air inside your room during the winter and spring.
7) Appealing Design
The central units come in very stylish and modern designs. Moreover, they come in an excellently compact size, which allows the device to beautifully blend with any home décor and enhances the aesthetic value.
These advantages of the split systems of air conditioners increase the investment value of your money. But you should always remember to appoint an experienced and certified installer to be on the safe side because the amateur installers might harm you and your AC and cost you unnecessarily for repairs on a later stage.