Clever Cures – 5 Tips to Ensure Your Baby Never Has to Deal with Chafing Again

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Clever Cures – 5 Tips to Ensure Your Baby Never Has to Deal with Chafing Again

At one point or another, your baby’s skin might experience some irritation. May even develop a rash from excessive friction. This is known as chafing. It is often caused by the combination of moisture and friction in the diaper area; and other spots where their skin rubs against their clothing.

Both diaper rashes and chafing can lead to extreme irritation and pain. You may notice blisters, boils, inflammation, redness, and swelling. Your baby will also appear to be in pain when chafing has occurred; and will usually react by crying when you touch around the area. 

If you want to avoid chafing in between the thighs and around your baby’s bottom. Listed below are a few tried and tested solutions to get rid of the painful issue once and for all. Clever cures – 5 tips to ensure your baby never has to deal with chafing again.

1. Try Nappy Rash Cream

The best nappy rash cream works to soothe the affected area while acting as a needed barrier to prevent rashes and chafing from reoccurring. It’s important for parents to invest in this healing balm and apply it to the affected area should irritation and chafing occur. 

Keep in mind that this remedy can be used for your own skin concerns as well. Indeed, nappy rash cream is so potent in healing inflammation and curing chafing that moms have been known to use nappy rash cream on mosquito bites, sunburn, and cracked lips as well.

2. Use Talc-Free Baby Powder

The reason talc-free baby powder is such a popular baby shower gift is that it soaks up excess moisture from the skin in addition to its wonderful scent. It’s advisable to apply baby powder to your baby’s skin just after drying them off after a shower.

If any wet spots remain after drying, the powder will automatically soak up the moisture and help to prevent chafing. If you are out of baby powder, many doulas and midwives recommend corn starch. In fact, corn starch is often specifically prescribed for nappy rash and chafing.

3. Switch Diapers

If the chafing or nappy rash is more severe and persists despite the use of barrier creams such as nappy rash creams, consider switching your nappy brand or investing in softer cotton nappies.

A softer cotton nappy may just be the solution you need to ensure that your baby’s skin doesn’t get irritated around the diaper area. If you’re hesitant to switch diapers, start by changing your baby’s diapers more regularly. See if this technique improves the irritation, chafing, or rash.

4. Use Mild Soaps and Fragrance-free Products

For babies and even adults with various skin conditions, aqueous soaps and products that are fragrance-free are advised. If chafing occurs, perhaps use mild soap when bathing the baby or even switch to fragrance-free products altogether. Remember to dry the skin thoroughly before applying any product or creams to prevent moisture retention.

5. Petroleum Jelly

This gooey mixture is an excellent remedy for dry and hard skin. Use a thick layer of petroleum jelly on the irritation. For babies, it is best to apply a thick layer of jelly while the baby is asleep to avoid messes and prevent them from touching this area.

While most chafing and diaper rashes can be treated easily at home, more persistent irritations may require a visit to the doctor. See a medical professional immediately if bleeding and oozing can be seen. If you catch the condition early, however, the tips we’ve shared today will help to alleviate the problem so it doesn’t come to that. 


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