Dove Reverses Selfie-Edits to Demonstrate Dangers Of Social Media

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Dove Reverses Selfie-Edits to Demonstrate Dangers Of Social Media

Before the digital era, there were many conversations about how photoshopped women in glossy magazines skewered society’s views of beauty. Today our youth suffer the same problem, but it is magnified ten-fold with social media. Dove claims that by age of 13, 80% of girls distort the way they look online.* Let’s change that. We are behind this change!

Social media is part of everybody’s lives. However, retouching apps and the pressure to post ‘perfect selfies’ are hurting our youth and their self-esteem. Their confidence in how they ‘really’ look is being affected.

Dove is on a mission to tackle the beauty standards in a digital era

Dove reverses selfie edits to demonstrate the dangers of social media and apps on our youth. It is highlighting the widespread damage caused by the trend of heavily edited selfies, with ‘Reverse Selfie‘ video below.

Created by Ogilvy, Reverse Selfie features a heavily edited version of a young woman trapped in the world of social media distorted reality; where she posts her photo with the caption ‘my new look’.

As the title of the video suggests, the story is told in reverse. Dove reverses selfie edits to demonstrate the dangers of social media on your youth and women across the globe.

The reverse journey ends with the young girl staring at the mirror, obviously discontent with the way she looks. As we can see she is beautiful without filters. The pressure to be perfect is harming our youth. These unrealistic and false beauty ideals perpetuated by the advertising industry and the media have to stop before we damage our youth’s self-esteem further. Dove continues its campaign against the toxic beauty industry that started with ’Evolution’, an ad back in 2006.

This is a great video to show young people and talk about the selfie to reverse the damage and celebrate real beauty.

Featured image: YouTube

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