How To Make the Leap to Full-Time Freelance
How To Make the Leap to Full-Time Freelance
For many people, the notion of being their own bosses seems like a dream come true. And who can blame them? You have your own schedule and are able to escape the tedious nine-to-five loop. There is no one breathing down your neck every day. However, there are also some cons to be aware of. Here’s a guideline on how to make the leap to full-time freelance.
Namely, full-time freelancing is not for everyone. Working on your own entails that you are accountable to yourself. You have to manage your time and finances well and go the extra mile to find jobs. Also, the starting rates are much lower than you would probably like. So, how to make it work? Well, in a nutshell, you are going to have to maximize the benefits and mitigate the risks of having a fully-fledged freelancer career.
A reality check
Your ability to turn freelancing into a full-time thing depends on finding trustworthy clients and well-paying gigs. You do not get everything served, so you have to invest extra time and effort into doing your homework. First of all, familiarize yourself with the freelancer market. Grasp the disadvantages of not having a day job, such as lacking a steady paycheck, medical insurance, paid vacation, and other work benefits and perks. Know what you are getting yourself into.
Furthermore, you need to do everything in your power to stay productive during the day and directed towards your goals in the long-term. Mind your lifestyle choices and habits. Resist the temptation to work when you are not energized and motivated, such as during the night. Plan your schedule and try to mimic the corporate nine-to-five rhythm for maximum productivity. Get ample sleep, maintain a balance, and practice self-discipline. Use online or mobile app tools to track your progress and stay focused.
Get the financial house in order
You should be aware of your financial health at all times. Things are a bit trickier due to income volatility, but this only makes monitoring and managing your budget even more paramount to improving your overall situation. So, keep track of your expenses, including utilities, taxes, healthcare, entertainment, transportation, food, clothing, etc. Save all your receipts and see where you can do some belt-tightening.
Along similar lines, take a long view towards the future horizon. Plan well in advance and come up with a retirement plan. Likewise, start building your retirement fund as soon as possible by setting aside a fixed amount of income each month. Remember to claim your superannuation account in case you have it from your previous job. Make necessary steps to preserve your own future and avoid emergencies or unexpected costs laying waste to your budget.
Professional touch
Freelancing is a solitary call and working from a dark, messy nook can really make you feel isolated and lost. This is less likely to be the case in a well-designed, inspiring, spacious and sunlight-soaked home office. Rest assured that your work environment has a profound effect on your mood, motivation and productivity. It is also about functionality – having a comfortable chair, ample storage space and enough room to breathe. Bear in mind that if you do not mind the commotion of an open-plan office, you can also rent a desk in a coworking space.
Finally, you should realize that your work is the face of you. It speaks volumes about your expertise, credibility, and ability to deliver results. Moreover, it helps you build a solid reputation and attract better clients. To step up, build your personal brand with utmost care and show consistency. Learn how to deal with clients and properly communicate with them. Hone your negotiation skills. Establish a strong online presence: set up accounts on multiple freelancing hubs as well as social media.
These steps help you set yourself apart from the myriad of other freelancers with a similar skill set.
Sow the seeds of success
Freelancing is not an easy venture. In fact, the road to prosperity is dotted with various pitfalls and hurdles you need to overcome on your own. To make a smooth transition into full-time prospecting, you have to address the unpredictable and fragile nature of your position.
Figure out ways to reinforce it: by investing in yourself, your work environment, making connections, fine-tuning social profiles, etc. Make an effort to foster a solid reputation and gain an edge in the crowded job market. Remember that the quality of your work is your lifeline – the only way to tap into a steady stream of income and translate your dreams into reality.