How to Permanently Improve Your Posture

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How to Permanently Improve Your Posture

It’s not uncommon to have back pain, whether it’s due to an accident, sports-related injury, or a congenital condition. However, the most common type of back pain develops during day-to-day activities. Sitting in front of a computer for more than eight hours a day, lifting heavy objects for work; simply doing repetitive motions at home and work can all lead to tension and tightness in the muscles. One way to prevent this type of pain is working on your posture. With good posture; you should be able to lessen the impact that your back is faced with on a daily basis. Here are some tips that can help improve your posture. How to permanently improve your posture.

Why posture is important

Posture is not just about looking good. By having proper posture, you can develop balance, strength, and flexibility in your body as well, which can result in less muscle pain and reduced stress on your muscles and ligaments. Moreover, with less pain, you will have more energy for all other daily activities.

What is more, by working on your posture, you will be more aware of your muscles; be able to correct your own posture, and potentially even notice some tight areas that you didn’t realize you had.

Common posture mistakes

One common mistake that people make is slouching when sitting. If you sit a lot at work; you want to ensure you are not in a position that is placing strain on your muscles and tissues. Look into getting an ergonomic chair and do your best to sit correctly. It’s normal if you feel uncomfortable in the beginning; as your muscles are not used to supporting your body in the correct position.

Then, there are people that tend to stick their bottom out. If this is you, you might have hyperlordosis. This exaggerated inward curve of your lower back can be caused by; high heels, pregnancy, and excessive weight around the stomach.

On the other hand, you might have a straight lower back and a tucked-in pelvis. If there is no natural curve in your lower back, you are stooping forward, which is also not good posture. Sitting for long periods of time can contribute to this problem; which can also lead to neck and upper back issues.

Hunching over your computer or smartphone can lead to poor posture as well. In time, this can lead to a rounded upper back, which causes upper back and shoulder stiffness as well. If your screen is too high or your seat too low, you could also be poking your chin out.

Something else you can encounter is rounded shoulders. If your knuckles face forwards when you let your arms hang naturally by your body; you might have a weak upper back and a tight chest; often caused by poor posture. Due to an imbalance in the muscles, and neglecting upper back exercises while focusing too much on your chest.

Moreover, if you tend to stand a lot for your job; you might notice that leaning on one leg is more comfortable sometimes. However, if you’re putting excessive pressure on that one side of your body; you could develop a muscle imbalance around the pelvis area that can lead to lower back and buttocks muscular strain. Something similar happens if you carry a heavy bag only on one shoulder or carry your kid on one hip only.

What you can do

When it comes to fixing your posture, it’s important to understand that everyone is different. While someone can improve their bad posture by regularly exercising, others might have to look into scoliosis treatment to feel better.

Some exercises that you should start doing on a daily basis if possible include the child’s pose as it can stretch and lengthen your spine, glutes, and hamstrings as well as the forward fold that will release tension in your body and stretch your hips and legs.

The cat-cow and standing cat-cow stretches are great for stretching and massaging your spine, relieving tension, and promoting blood flow.

If you have a slumping posture planks, bridges, and back extensions are recommended. Chest stretches, seated rows, and pull-ups can all help with a tight chest while side-lying leg raises, hip flexor stretches, side planks, and the pigeon pose can be used to correct hyperlordosis and the straight back issue.


If you’re having issues with back pain, you can try these methods to improve your posture. However, turning to a medical professional if the pain doesn’t seem to be going away is always recommended.

Featured image: Unsplash

Patrick Adams is a freelance writer and rock-blues fan. When he is not writing about home improvement, he loves to play chess, watch basketball, and play his guitar.

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