How to Reclaim Your Home After a Breakup

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How to Reclaim Your Home After a Breakup

Relationships are pretty complicated. People change over time and not every relationship escalates into something more. It’s bad enough when you have to part ways with someone you’ve been attached to. But it’s even worse when you lived with them. It’s a seriously life-altering change that will leave a few emotional scars. Some of the negative emotions that are leftover are attached to your home and the things in it.

However, life moves on and you can’t forfeit your home to past relationships. Much like people, homes can have a new start and reclaiming your own home is a big part of moving on after a breakup. The sooner you get down to it, the quicker the changes will settle. Below are a few tips on how to reclaim your home after a breakup.

Baggage has to go

Not to be confused with the literal kind, that baggage is long gone with your ex’s stuff in it. What you need to get rid of is the stuff that brings back bad memories. After living with someone for a while, you’ll give a kind of sentimental value to items that might not seem all that important to you at first. Aesthetic pieces of décor that you both worked on are probably spread throughout your home, so how do you get rid of attached feelings without redecorating the whole place?

The easiest way to give it new meaning is to work on the decorations by yourself. If you want to reclaim those wooden chairs that you like so much. You could give them the fresh paint job of your choice. The colour doesn’t have to be all that different. The point is, to give things your own mark and show that they’re your choices.

Switch up the arrangement

The arrangement of furniture in your home is a big part of your memories. Have your parents ever rearranged things when you were a kid? You might have noticed that it felt like a whole new world that was just begging to be explored by your inquisitive mind, at least at the time. It might not seem like such a big deal now. You would be surprised at how much it can affect your view of the home, even as an adult.

Whether you decide to practice some newfound Feng Shui knowledge, or you want to take inspiration from home decoration catalogues. Any changes that you make are going to turn out alright. Whenever you enter your freshly arranged home, you’re going to feel like it’s an entirely new place. Which will let you form new memories that are yours alone.

Bring a little light inside

It might be time to lighten up, both figuratively and literally. Introduce some new sources of light into the home to bring out a whole new vibe and atmosphere. You might not notice it, but lighting has an enormous effect on how everything in your home looks. You might even say that proper lighting can make your décor pop.

Where do you start? Natural lighting should be your priority. While the sun is still out, you will want it to shine through light filtering honeycomb blinds, to let in as much of that warm light as possible without it feeling overbearing. Next up are the lightbulbs. Get yourself some cozy, warm night lights. That will help you read your favourite books and enjoy the vibe of your home. Candles are an even better alternative, but you should save them for special occasions. The soot can accumulate on the walls, so use them with care.

Make guests feel at home

Now that you have one less person occupying your home, you probably have a bit of extra room to spare. What you do with this room is very important. As it can shape your view of it for quite a while. The best way to make some new memories is to accommodate your friends and family in the warmest possible way.
A well-equipped guest room is something every home needs. If your out of town friends need a place to stay while they’re visiting. Why not give them the warm welcome that they deserve? They say that friendship is the best medicine, alongside laughter. If you’re ever feeling down, you can always invite people to hang out. They don’t have to worry about hailing a cab or calling an Uber to get home.


Reclaiming your home can be pretty tough. Especially, if you’ve shared the space with your significant other for a long period of time. However, switching things up can have quite an effect on how you perceive your home. If you keep adding your own touches here and there, you’ll see that the home is solely yours. You’ll quickly make new memories that will be attached to it. Consider some of these ideas and ti might go faster than you could have expected.

Featured image: Unsplash

Mianna is a passionate writer currently living and dreaming in Europe. She is a believer that mental and physical fitness go hand in hand, you can’t have one without the other.

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