I Am Legend 2 Sequel Has Will Smith Return
I Am Legend 2 Sequel Has Will Smith Return
Warner Bros. is officially making I Am Legend 2 with Will Smith back to star and he’ll be joined by Michael B. Jordan. This is the first time the pair work together.
One of the big hits from back in the day had to be Francis Lawrence I Am Legend; starring Will Smith. There have been talks of a sequel to 2007 I Am Legend ever since it came out but nothing has come to fruition, until now. As Deadline announced that I Am Legend 2 is a go with Will Smith to return and he will be joined by co-star Michael. B. Jordan.
The big question of course is; how is Will Smith’s character Robert Neville going to come back considering the original ending where Neville seems to die.
There is an alternate ending that director Francis Lawrence wanted which showed Will Smith’s character survive and leave New York to continue developing a cure. Whether I Am Legend 2 makes that alternate ending canon or comes up with a different way to bring Smith back remains to be seen.
Akiva Goldsman is working on the script for I Am Legend 2 but plot details have not been revealed. There is currently no known deal for a director or a release date set. Whatever it is we are sure it’s going to be Legendary.
Hopefully, there is more news soon on what exactly this sequel will be about.
Watch the video below for a little recap on I AM Legend the movie.