Listen To These Mature Women Words Of Wisdom

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Listen To These Mature Women Words Of Wisdom

The Sanctuary Spa in London’s Covet Garden is on a mission to get younger women to relax, breath and Let Go. As a result they created this amazing, beautiful, emotive video that will touch young women deeply.

Young women have set an almost unattainable level of perfection that is destroying their ability to enjoy life because they are feeling burnt out.

In this video women of a time past elegantly speak words of wisdom to today’s younger generation of women. These mature women advise younger women on what they would do if they were young again living in today’s world.

One lady advises not to create a to-do-list, instead she says create a not-to-do list.

Another says; ‘I’d give myself the time to indulge in the things that I now understand are the most important.’ Or ‘ Oh what I wouldn’t give for an extra second cuddling my babies before they became too big to hold.’

They were a generation of mothers, wives, and professionals who; ‘were never in danger of burning out’.

Yet the words that resonate the most are the following: ‘If I were a young woman now, I’d spend more time being, not doing’. Worthy words to hear, listen and deconstruct.

Take a moment and watch this beautiful video:


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