Millennial Women’s Views on Love and Relationships

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Millennial Women’s Views on Love and Relationships

Ever since the dawn of social networking sites, human interactions have shifted gradually. From hours of telephone calls to 24/7 chat messages. While the goal of launching social media is to “connect” people and allow for easy remote communication. The results in dating and commitment seem to be the opposite.

Millennial women, for instance, when looking at their newsfeeds, they might get easily influenced by the glamour they see on other people’s newsfeed. If a fellow is proposed with a glimmering, high-end diamond engagement ring, it could be possible for them to expect the same from their current or future partner.

But is social media the only factor that affects their views on dating? What is millennial women’s views on love and relationships?

In No Rush to Marry

Millennial Women's Views on Love and Relationships- newly-married-couple

A study by eHarmony revealed that American millennials would rather get to know their partners deeply before considering marriage. Revealing that couples aged 24-35 spent on average six and a half years together before they got married.

Similarly, couples in their mid-20’s who had been dating since they were in high school were in no rush to marry. Setting aside the romance, they’d rather grow their finances first and explore their other career options. According to sociologists, psychologists, and other experts, the practical “no-nonsense” attitude toward marriage has become the new norm. Especially as women started permeating the workforce. But both men and women are shown to be interested in advancing their careers first before marrying.

Heightened Standards

Millennial Women's Views on Love and Relationships- couple dinning

Millennials are searching for someone who can fulfil all of their needs. They don’t only seek a romantic partner. Also a best friend, a financial equal, a sexual partner, and a strong co-parent when the time comes. They won’t settle for anyone who fails to meet their high standards.

Therapists shared six qualities that millennial women look for in a partner, and those are:

  1. Being as ambitious as they are
  2. Shares a strong connection with them
  3. Has a life outside the relationship
  4. Willing to commit, but not necessarily to marry
  5. Fair about housework and childcare
  6. Values intimacy

Psychotherapist and Empowered Connection’s clinical director Deborah Duley; says that because millennial women are becoming more empowered. They seek to build relationships based on a strong foundation of true intimacy and equal partnership.

Digital Technology

The rise of social media has paved the way for online dating apps. This has affected the willingness of millennials to commit. Since most communications, today are made through chat messaging many of their words tend to be misinterpreted. Therefore, connections are destroyed as quickly as they’re forged.

Studies show that only 7% of a message’s meaning is effectively expressed in words. Body language, facial expression, and voice tone are all absent in chat messaging when those are the ones that are able to convey a message’s true meaning. Digital communication removes the constraints that naturally occur in a face-to-face conversation. Hence, respect is shared less, and “ghosting” becomes more common.

The trend of online dating may have encouraged millennials to get involved too quickly. But the relationships they formed through it could also fall apart quickly. It could be said that for this reason, more millennials now prefer knowing someone deeply before getting into a serious relationship and eventually marriage.

Millennial women no longer prioritize romantic relationships and marriage as much. They’re more independent and empowered. They prefer taking care of themselves before being invested in a partner and in a family. Career and financial goals would rather be met before “relationship goals.”

Hannah Murray

Hannah is a freelance travel and fashion writer who prides herself in finding the perfect tours and operators to make your journey as authentic and memorable as possible.

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