Motivation tips to exercise

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Motivation tips to exercise

Some excuses are real and valid – emergencies, illness, work deadlines, but some are lame and cheat you out on achieving your goals. Whether these goals are weight loss, achieving better health or getting that dream body you desire your excuses are holding you back.  Here are some commonly used excuses and some motivation tips to exercise  that may help you rid them for good.

It’s too cold/wet/hot/dark/late to exercise

Seriously? Did you know that you can wear warmer clothes or a waterproof jacket and hat when you exercise so that you do not get too cold or wet should the weather conditions be a little more challenging. Once you stop letting the conditions outside affect your training, you will be one step closer to taking control of your weight, for good.

I do not have time

Who has time these days? Truth is, we all get 24 hours a day to use, and some of us manage to fit in exercise and meal preparation while others do not. It is all about priorities. Do you want to sit and watch an extra hour of TV, or could you record it, watch it later and go for a walk and prepare your lunch for the next day? As soon as you begin to factor in your food preparation and exercise before the other commitments in your life, the sooner you will be exercising regularly and eating well on more days than not.

I am too tired

Everyone is tired, believe me. Majority of  people have too much on their plate and are exhausted at the end of every single day. While it may not be our natural desire to get on our training gear and get out to the gym or for a run when we are feeling tired, the truth is that you will only feel better if you do, even if it is just for 20 minutes. So stop putting your energy into thinking you are tired and instead focus on how much better you will feel when you get some more blood pumping around your body.

 I will start tomorrow

Don’t wait, start today. Whether it is going for a walk, choosing a healthier dinner option or choosing to throw the biscuits away rather than eat the whole packet just because they are there. The issue with constantly putting things off until tomorrow is that tomorrow never comes. If you have the time, do it now, as the sooner you start, the sooner you will get results.

I bought it for the kids

You know very well what I mean here – the chips, the snack food, the bite size chocolate bars that you tell yourself you are buying for the kids but that you end up eating anyway. Let’s be honest here, the kids do not need it either. While looking after yourself you end up looking after your kids health too. Two birds with one stone.

 One day will not matter

The issue with writing off an entire day of healthy eating and exercise is that before you know it you’re back into your bad habits. When you do choose to take a break, take a meal break or an exercise session break, not an entire day.


Tina is a DailyStar senior writer. She graduated from Edith Cowan University. Writing has always been something she enjoyed. Her positive outlook colours every aspect of her life. Her motto -Life’s too short so get living.

When she’s not busy writing, Tina is exploring the city she adores, running in her local Park every day, drinking an absurd amount of coffee, taking care of an adorable pup, kids and traveling.

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