No Excuses: Fun Ways to Lose Weight
No Excuses: Fun Ways to Lose Weight
Most people think losing weight has to be boring and hard. Well, guess what? It doesn’t! If you don’t believe it, here are some fun and exciting ways you can lose weight, so no excuses.
It’s easier with a friend
Get your friend or find an online weight loss buddy and start losing weight together. This technique proved to work wonderfully. You will push each other and be each other’s support when things get a little tough. All in all, people who work out with a buddy are much more successful than those who choose to go solo.
Cook for your friends
If you like to meet up with your friends over dinner in a restaurant, you will likely eat a lot of fat, sodium and sugar. You can still hang out with your friends over dinner, but try to prepare it yourself. This way, you can control what will go into the meal and how much of it. You can even get them to help with the salad or chop some fruit for the dessert. Who knows, maybe this becomes your new tradition.
Walk your dog
If you regularly walk your dog, you can always make an extra lap around the block. These extra steps will not only benefit your weight loss but will also be great for your furry friend. You can pick up the pace (don’t worry, your dog will be able to keep up) or even break into a run to finish off your exercise.
Play with your kids
If you have kids, you basically have little personal trainers that will push you every day. Instead of sending them to play on their own, join them for a game of tag, catch or hopscotch. Those active games are not only fun but burn a serious amount of calories. Bonus: you get to spend some quality time with your little ones who will certainly appreciate it.
Try pole dancing
If there’s a wild girl hiding deep inside of you, it’s time to set her free with some pole dancing. It will not only make you laugh and feel sexy, but you will work your whole body like never before. You will use your arms to pull, legs to push and core to balance. So, find a class near you, gather your girlfriends and hit that pole.
Play in the park
Go back to your childhood and head to the park for a game of Frisbee or some catch with your friends. You can get portable plastic goals from any soccer shop and enjoy a friendly game of soccer. When the weather gets cooler, you can switch the park for a game of ping pong or squash, but make sure to skip the beer and cocktails afterwards.
Stay active while gaming
Ever tried those Dance Dance Revolution or Virtua Tennis video games? Did you get winded after half an hour? Good. Now you can join playing games and working out. On platforms like Xbox Kinect or Nintendo Wii, you can play different games such as Athletics, Olympics, Zumba or even UFC Personal Trainer that will get you to work out like an MMA champion. Or, if you just like regular games, you can throw in a set of situps or pushups every time your game is loading.
Catch more ZZZs
Good news, everyone! Sleeping more can help you lose weight and eat less and healthier. According to many studies, insufficient sleep can set your weight loss back by almost 55 percent! So, sleep, sleep, and sleep.
See, we told you losing weight doesn’t have to be boring and hard. If you incorporate some of these activities and diet tips into your daily schedule, you will become fit in no time.