Organic Milk Greater Health Benefits
Organic Milk Greater Health Benefits
There’s an undeniable love affair between us humans and milk. We share this unique trait of being able to produce milk with all other mammals, which is the reason why science started to study the milk of other animals. Hoping their milk would continue to provide nourishment throughout our lives and not just at its very beginning. In the case of organic milk – the principle health benefits are various.
All around the world, there are more than 6 million people who regularly consume dairy-based products. Such as milk itself, cheese, curd, butter, yoghurt, ice-cream and milk sweets. It has been one of the essential ingredients of the human diet in almost every corner of the world.
Organic milk has the advantage over the conventional milk as it has higher levels of omega-3 acids, CLA and more vitamins and antioxidants. Conventional milk production uses substances like pesticides, fertilizers, hormones and antibiotics excessively. In order to speed up animal growth, weight gain and milk production, which is not the case with organic milk production.
If you have decided to take it one step further and switch to organic milk, here are its several benefits to our health.
Omega-3 fatty acids
In comparison to conventional milk, organic milk has about 71% higher levels of Omega-3 fatty acids, which is an essential fatty acid needed for healthy growth. Its regular consumption can prevent many diseases, such as inflammation, cancer, heart diseases and arthritis, and it may be one of the factors that can reduce or delay the onset of ALS.
The reason behind higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids in organic milk is the fact that cows which produce it are pasture grazed and fed with more red clover than conventionally fed cows. This plant contains Omega-3 in large quantities which is then passed on into cows’ milk. Furthermore, the ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 is higher in organic milk and although omega-6 is also necessary for healthy growth, its excessive amount can be harmful. By balancing out the quantities of both these fatty acids in our bodies, we can improve our cardiovascular condition and overall health.
CLA or conjugated linoleic acid is an influential factor in raising the body’s metabolic rate, muscle growth and immunity, as well as in reducing allergic reactions, cholesterol and abdominal fat. However, the human body isn’t capable of producing this acid, so most of its intake must happen through milk and dairy products.
It’s a surprising fact to learn that cows which are pasture grazed produce up to 500% more CLA than those fed with fodder. This is an undeniable argument in favour of organic milk consumption, as well as the fact that CLA has proven beneficial in cancer treatment.
Production process and conditions
Pasture grazed cows produce milk that is not contaminated with harmful substances such as pesticides, hormones and fertilizers. It also doesn’t contain any antibiotics, GMO feed, fertility or growth hormones and urea, as all of these substances are not present in pastures..
By choosing to consume organic milk, you also contribute to the preservation and protection of our environment. The reason is that the pesticides used in non-organic farming have an extremely negative impact on nature, as they are wiping out various species of insects and birds. It’s estimated that about 10% of these species are killed by pesticide-related diseases.
Furthermore, the natural lifespan of a cow is about 20 or more years. However, cows that are bred in non-organic conditions and in rigorous dairy farming systems are commonly over-exhausted and slaughtered at the age of four, since by that time, they have already used up their milk-producing capacity, have become infertile and have spent most of their life without even experiencing grazing outdoors.
This is where organic breeding standards differ enormously. They ensure that the cows are kept outdoors during the grazing season and fed with a healthier choice of feed indoors. They are also kept in a ventilated, straw-bedded stable and spacious milking parlour, which altogether result in increased milk yields.
In non-organic conditions, a cow is intensively milked and forced to produce about 10 times more milk than it naturally would, and this is only possible by feeing it with high protein feed. This puts cows under intense pressure, stress and strain, and significantly lower their quality of life as well as shortens their lifespan.
The third benefit of organic milk is the higher concentration of antioxidants, such as zeaxanthin and lutein. Both lutein and zeaxanthin are beneficial for eye health as they protect them from UV damage and free radicals impact. They are also effective in the prevention of cataract, glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy.
Recent research studies also show that organic milk contains higher levels of vitamins E and A than the conventional milk. Pasture grazed cows consume large amounts of grass and clover, and consequently produce milk that contains about 75% more of beta-carotene and 50% more vitamin E.
In conclusion, organic milk has potentially more beneficial ingredients than conventional milk and including it in your diet, combined with healthy eating habits and regular exercise, you can significantly increase the quality of your life and reduce risks of illnesses.