Stick To These 5 Rules Before Moving In Together

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Stick To These 5 Rules Before Moving In Together

Making the decision to move in together is a huge step in any relationship. But before you start packing your boxes, there are some important financial matters to discuss with your partner.

Here are 5 financial rules you and your partner should follow when moving in together. Stick to these 5 rules before moving in together.

1. Set a budget and stick to it

Before you move in together, sit down and create a budget that works for both of you. 

Make sure to factor in all of your regular expenses, like rent, groceries, utilities, and transportation costs. 

Once you have your budget set, do your best to stick to it. This may mean making some sacrifices, like eating out less or cutting back on your cable bill.

It can also help you avoid financial problems down the road. If you know how much each person is able to spend, you can avoid overspending and get into debt. 

Additionally, it can help you figure out what bills need to be paid and who is responsible for paying them. This can avoid arguments about money later on. 

Finally, having a budget can help you save money in the long run. If you know how much you need to spend each month, you can start putting away money for things like a down payment for that dream house you want to build.

If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to setting a budget, there are plenty of online tools and resources available to help you out. Alternatively, you could speak to a financial advisor who can offer expert advice on creating a budget that’s right for you and your partner.

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2. Open a joint bank account

A joint bank account is a great way to manage your finances as a couple. 

This can help you keep track of shared expenses and budgets more effectively. 

Plus, having a joint account can help build your credit history as a couple, which can come in handy down the road if you ever need to apply for a loan or mortgage.

Another big benefit of opening a joint bank account is that it can provide a safety net in case one partner ever runs into financial trouble. If one person suddenly finds themselves unemployed or faced with unexpected medical bills, for example, having a joint account can help ensure that bills are still paid and essential expenses are covered.

All in all, just make sure that you both agree on how the money in the account will be used before you open it.

3. Build up your savings

Moving in together is a big financial step, so it’s important to have some money saved up beforehand. 

Try to have at least 3-6 months of living expenses saved before you make the move. This will help you cover any unexpected costs, like repairs or medical bills, that may come up after you move in.

Building up your savings before moving in together can help make your transition smoother and give you a financial safety net in case of tough times. 

4. Communicate about money

Money can be a sensitive topic, but it’s important to talk about your finances with your partner. Discuss your financial goals, like saving for a house or retirement, and be honest about any money problems you may have. 

Do you want to save up for a house? Are you hoping to travel more? Whatever your financial goals may be, it’s important to discuss them with your partner. You need to make sure that you’re both on the same page and working towards the same thing.

It’s important, to be honest about your income and expenses before moving in together. This way, you can figure out how much each of you can realistically contribute to rent, groceries, utilities, etc. There’s no use pretending like you have more money than you do – it will only cause problems down the road.

Who is going to be responsible for which bills? Who is going to handle the grocery shopping? Figuring out who is going to do what when it comes to managing your finances. Otherwise, things can quickly get confusing (and frustrating).

More important questions include, Are you a saver or a spender? Do you believe in investing or paying off debt first? Make sure that you’re on the same page when it comes to your financial values.

“Open communication will help you work together to make sound financial decisions as a couple”, points out counsellors from Bull Creek Perth.

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5. Make a plan for dealing with debt

If either of you has debt, it’s important to come up with a plan for paying it off before you move in together. Otherwise, your debt could become a shared financial burden that puts strain on your relationship. 

But if you deal with it before moving in together, you can put it behind you and focus on the future. This will help you enjoy your new home and your new life together without the stress of debt hanging over your head.

Talk about how you’ll tackle your debts, and make sure you’re both on the same page.


By following these financial rules, you and your partner can set yourselves up for success as you start your life together. Just remember to communicate openly about money and make smart financial decisions as a team.

Photo by Kindel Media


Sarah Miller

Sarah writes about her personal journey, learning, life optimisation and her passions. For more thoughts and ideas, you can connect with Sarah on Twitter

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