Top Words Used to Describe Hotels on TripAdvisor in 10 Major Cities Around The World

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Top Words Used to Describe Hotels on TripAdvisor in 10 Major Cities Around The World

Deciding which hotel to book when you’re going on a holiday or a business trip is decisively important. With the online reviews, there is comfort in reading other people’s experiences.

With over 90% of people using online reviews to decide which hotel to stay in during their holiday, it’s clear that the opinion of fellow travellers means a lot.

But what are these reviews really saying about the hotels and the cities in which they occupy? To find out, lastminute analysed thousands of TripAdvisor reviews to reveal the top words used to describe hotels in ten of the most popular cities around the world.

Check what they are saying about your city, your people and your hotels in the infographic below:


Top Words Used to Describe Hotels on TripAdvisor in 10 Major Cities Around The World


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