Understanding LED Strip Lighting

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Understanding LED Strip Lighting

LED lighting has become increasingly popular. Whether you want home office lighting or some other type of indoor LED lighting or even changing the lighting in a business or public place, there are many options available. The technology in LED lighting has come far since it was first developed. It can be anything from mood lighting, spotlighting, strip lighting to even the main lighting now. Here is a look at the characteristics of LED strip lighting, and other useful information. Understanding LED strip lighting in its fullest.

The type of LED and its size

How large the diodes are and the type of LED it is, will factor in both how bright the light is and how well it performs. It helps to be sure about what you want to use the lighting for. Strip lighting can have various uses and are a popular option for indoor LED lighting Australia. The latest in LED technology can be more versatile than older types.

Number of LEDs in a metre strip

When you are thinking about how bright you want the LED strip light to be you should also consider the number of LEDs there are per metre. The more diodes there are, the stronger the light will be. When the numbers get very high though the lights will then need more advanced technologies or changes in their appearance like being double width. It is important that you check how the LEDs are arranged when there are a lot of them. If they are too close that can lead to a dramatically reduced lifespan.

Coloured LEDs

There is a range of options when it comes to coloured LED home office lighting. They can create any colour. The white lights come in three tones;

1. Cold white or bright white-bluish bright white

2. Warm white – towards a yellowish light

3. Natural white – brings the two colours above, together

You can also get indoor LED lighting and elsewhere that is in the form of RGB strips. These can emit a variety of colours all on one strip but it does need a controller. You can choose to have it on just one colour and then make a change when you want it. You can also have it changing at a pace you can set. The variety of changes depends on the RGB strip as well as your own experience.

Strip flexibility

How you use LED strip lighting can be strongly determined by how flexible they are. Rigid ones are more suitable for replacing traditional fluorescent tubes, but it is not much you cannot do with flexible strips. When a surface is flat the rigid strips can be easier but when you are considering home office lighting, flexibility tends to win. When talking flexibility this does not mean a strip can bend in any direction. The flexibility is in the direction of the LEDs.

Get the IP rating right

Ingress Protection Rating or International Protection Rating is shortened to IP. An IP code is made up of the letters IP, then 2 numbers, then possibly another letter. This classifies how much protection an electrical good has against solid items, water, dust, and accidental contact. If you want to install indoor LED lighting Australia and elsewhere in a bathroom, for example, you need to look for an IP rating that is 68 as that means it is completely waterproof.

A look at the voltage

Before installing any LED light strips the voltage should be investigated. Most LED strips that are running on the mains need a transformer as they run a lower voltage than traditional lights, 12V or 24V. Not all transformers though suit LED lights so check into that too.

Creating different moods

If you want to change the mood of a room that can be done easily as there are a variety of accessories you can use with strip lights. Controllers, light changes as mentioned, DMX and dimmers too. DMX means you can change your home office lighting colour with different music playing depending on whether you are reading or working.

If you do want a dimmer on LED lights then you need to get one that has been manufactured specifically for LEDs, as most do not work with regular dimmers. The kind of minimum and maximum load a traditional light on dimmer can handle compared to an LED fixture is different.

Identifying LED strip light quality

Sometimes it is not easy to tell the difference between high-performance strip lights and the lower quality options. If the LED lights have more copper, between 2 to 4 oz, that is a sign of a higher quality strip. It needs copper to handle high levels of electricity. If it claims a lot of power but has a low count of LEDs than that is also a low-quality strip. It can also be true that higher quality LED strip lighting has an extra layer of white paint.

LED strip lights have all the benefits of LED lights, low energy use, low maintenance, can save you money on bills and have a long life span. They are also flexible, come in a range of colours and brightness and can be controllable if you want to. That can be mounted almost anywhere, on curved surfaces, in narrow spaces and they come in rolls so you just need to measure and cut with a pair of scissors to the size you want. Installing it is so easy anyone can do it. They have a peel and stick backing that can be stuck onto any surface. LED strip lights are a versatile option for lighting that can be used in many settings and applications.

Steve Lewington

I am a full time Internet Marketer, but more than that, i am passionate about setting goals and achieving them. I am action-oriented and has a strong work ethic.

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