What can we do to save our planet? A lot actually.

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What can we do to save our planet? A lot actually.

We are all worried about climate change and every day we are reminded about the state of things. However, it seems that these reminders although well intended are causing us to withdraw and take no real action on stopping and preventing further damage to our fragile environment.

What can we do?

Focus on the solution, according to Crystal Chissell, a vice president for Project Drawdown, a coalition of researchers and scientists who are working on climate solutions. Chissel says reports of impending doom tend to cause ordinary people to feel hopeless and to shut down She continues to say:

We will get a lot further toward solving the problem if we focus on solutions rather than continuing to highlight the problem,”

Project Drawdown recently put together a report highlighting 30 behavioural solutions we all can take on to help combat climate change. All of which we all can adapt to help save our planet. The top three include wasting food, adopting plant-rich-diet and consuming less energy and water.

These are the 6 things we can all do to combat climate change, according to advocacy groups:

1. Waste less food

Methane from agricultural activities, waste management and energy use is the second largest cause of climate change. It’s behind fossil fuels which are number one on the list, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

Reducing food waste is something we can help with and it can significantly lessen the impact it has on climate change. Food that is disposed and spoiled creates methane, when you look at the planet’s population it’s a large element contributing to climate change.  Spoiled food has an impact on greenhouse gases – so reducing FOOD WASTE has a HUGE impact in reducing the greenhouse effect.

How do we help reduce food waste?

Next time you go to the shops buy produce that has blemishes or is misshapen – fruit that doesn’t have the normal shape is still tasty and good to eat. Another is that we are quick to discard of foods that have a day past expiry date. Usually, expiry dates are an estimate of how long an item can last, however, with common sense you can tell whether that food item is indeed still good for consumption. Furthermore, like your nanna try and re-invet your leftovers. There are many recipes that help you make a whole new meal with your leftovers and some absolutely delicious.

2. Eat less red meat

Factory farms feed cows grains, which cause them to release methane into the air through their gases, says Chissell. She continues to say that the reason being “It’s not actually natural to their digestive system so it creates more methane,”.


Chissell says adopting a plant-rich diet and eating more meat from organic farms where animals are fed natural diets, can help reduce methane. No, you do not have to become a vegetarian or a vegan, it’s more about reducing the amount of meat that we eat and eating plant-based foods too. The answer is a balanced diet, include a wide variety of foods – fruit and vegetables. Meat and dairy can be part of your diet too but in a balanced manner.

This is a great video by Mark Bittman who thinks you’re bad at eating:

3. Consume less energy and water

Another important tip that anyone can help with, is to reduce energy usage. One example is to switch to LED light bulbs and reduce household water use. Have shorter showers, no baths and check on the faucets that are leaking and fix them straight away. And last wait till you have a full load of laundry to start your washing.

4. Fear of climate change policies killing jobs

This is a hard dialogue to have since threatening someone’s jobs is always a heated conversation to have. Loss of livelihood is no small matter. How do you approach this delicately?

Focus the conversation on how climate change policies will create jobs. Working people are on the frontlines of climate change. However, investment in climate action is already creating jobs. In renewable energy, solar energy is creating jobs rapidly. The move towards a circular economy where we live within our planet’s boundaries will spawn new technologies, businesses and jobs. There is, of course, a need for companies to put in place measure a transition plan for workers to ensure skills training and redeployment with secure pensions for older people. This will give people hope that both jobs and the planet will be safe.

5. Address your members of Parliament

In your local area address your local government who have a huge influence. Communicate with them and ask them to focus on local policies that address climate change.

Actively lobby your local government to take steps in putting in place climate change behaviours. Also, to communicate with the people who are elected to represent them to prioritise climate change policies.

6. Volunteer 

A substantial way to be part of the solution to change climate policies and save our planet is to join a local nonprofitable organisation that focuses on helping the environment. Many of these organisations have opportunities open locally and across the country or even globally for anyone wishing to be part of this movement for change –  in stopping climate change before it’s too late.

H/T Better
Christina Miller

I love to write, to learn new things, read and travel. I like to write about anything that I’m passionate about and in the process learning a lot about myself. In my spare time, I love to watch a good movie, read a good book or go for a long walk.

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