Why high-quality lab equipment is a must

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Why high-quality lab equipment is a must

When it comes to science, there really is no room for mistakes. No matter if it’s a school lab or a high-tech laboratory in question, it is necessary to have high-quality utensils and instruments. Everybody deserves to get proper, accurate results. So, make sure you really do your part right when it comes to buying new lab equipment.

Difference between new lab instruments and used ones

Maybe you have been toying with the idea of buying used equipment in order to save some money. Even if you can’t see the drawbacks of this action, it really isn’t a smart move.

However, if you want to go down this road, you need to do a quality background check. The first step is to get information on equipment calibration. It’s the same as with any other used item – if you want to buy it, you’ll have to check its history and information on previous repairs and replacements. That will give you a clearer insight into the condition of the equipment.

How to accurately assess used equipment

There are other factors to consider when buying used equipment. You need to include its life expectancy, the reliability of the supplier (whether they possess an ISO certification) and the availability of spare parts. You should also check if the equipment functions, including all of its features. Lastly, See if service contracts and warranty are available.

You can consider buying the equipment only if all of these criteria have been met. But it still isn’t a guarantee that the used equipment will be properly functioning or have an appropriate life expectancy.

Create a closely controlled environment

Your laboratory needs to be completely conditioned in order for the laboratory works to be accurate and reliable. This also includes proper maintenance of the equipment. Factors like humidity, outside temperatures and atmospheric pressure can affect the tests and ruining the results. High-quality equipment and lab supplies are very important because of all of those factors. Any change can affect the results.

Optimal lab conditions

Companies like Thermoline Scientific Equipment understand the importance of high-quality lab equipment – it’s the thing that helps to create optimal lab conditions, which are a prerequisite of reliable test results. You need to make sure that the recommended environments for appropriate laboratories are followed. In most cases, an environment of 65% RH and 20°C is considered to be optimal. No matter what the test is, make sure that the criteria are met at all costs. Otherwise, the test results could be regarded as unreliable or inconsequential.

Why schools need high-quality lab equipment

Scientists are aware of the importance of high-quality equipment but it’s necessary for schools to know it, too. They represent places where future scientists are formed, so it’s necessary to provide them with optimal conditions to learn and develop. Then need to learn from an early age that attention to details and being thorough is highly important, especially when it comes to scientific tests of any kind. Proper equipment will allow them to get a better grasp of biological, chemical and physical concepts and experiments. And as we all know – science subjects are best learned in a real-life environment, which includes quality equipment.

Final comment

Any reliable and truly professional lab needs to have cutting-edge equipment. It’s the surest way all of the test results are accurate and of true use. By making sure you stick to high-tech equipment, you’ll be surer of the results you get. It doesn’t matter whether you need the utensils or instruments for a scientific laboratory of an elementary school – the point is to get accurate results and to always work with the best possible equipment.


Mike is an Australian business consulting specialist. He often writes about technology, business and marketing and is a regular contributor on several sites.

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