Why you should have sex tonight!

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Why you should have sex tonight!

Your doctor will strongly agree. Studies support that men should at least ejaculate a few times a week and if you are not your health might be in danger.

According to a study from the National Cancer Institute.  Men in their 20s who ejaculate just once a week compared to men who orgasm 21 times or more every month are about 15 precent less likely to develop prostate cancer.

The prostate-protecting benefit of an orgasm is even greater for men in their 40s: Frequent ejaculators are roughly 30 precent less likely to develop prostate cancer, the same study found.

Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer among men, and it’s also one of the deadliest so these new findings should be taken quite seriously.

Question to ask is – how do frequent orgasms keep you safe? It could be that ejaculating clears away semen and other fluids that may block or inflame parts of your prostate, says Graham Giles, Ph.D., of Australia’s Cancer Council Victoria. Letting loose may also remove fat-soluble, cancer-causing substances from your body, he adds. (Giles’s research actually found daily ejaculation provides the most protection against cancer.)

Stuart Brody, Ph.D., linked penis-vagina intercourse—but not masturbation—to improvements in mood, lower rates of depression, reduction of pain symptoms related to injury or illness, better heart function and blood flow, and a longer life and that was for both men and women.

Why wouldn’t masturbation offer all the same happy health consequences as sex?Brody explains evolution factors are at work here. Evolution rewards anything that increases your odds of passing on your genes to offspring. So it makes sense that sex would provide more benefits than masturbation as it sex that increases your odds of procreation.



Tina is a DailyStar senior writer. She graduated from Edith Cowan University. Writing has always been something she enjoyed. Her positive outlook colours every aspect of her life. Her motto -Life’s too short so get living.

When she’s not busy writing, Tina is exploring the city she adores, running in her local Park every day, drinking an absurd amount of coffee, taking care of an adorable pup, kids and traveling.

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