Business in the Post-pandemic World – 6 Things You Need To Know

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Business in the Post-pandemic World – 6 Things You Need To Know

2020 will be remembered as the year that changed business forever. Millions of jobs have been wiped out, many of them for good. It’s become clear that existing systems cannot meet the permanent shifts in how we work. If we want our businesses to survive in the new economy, we need to respond and adapt more aggressively. Business in the post-pandemic world – 6 things you need to know.

Projecting the future of business

What will the new post-pandemic economy look like? Last November, Microsoft founder Bill Gates predicted that business travel would drop by half, along with a third of office-based work. A McKinsey report said that 1 in 5 workers might work remotely forever. Companies such as Slack and Microsoft have adopted hybrid models of work. All these shifts translate to an increased need for IT infrastructure and automation.

Innovation will still occur, but they’re more likely to happen in homes than in offices. Here are 6 things you need to know to prepare your business for the new economy.

1. Invest in cloud infrastructure

In the immediate aftermath of enforced lockdowns, businesses of all sizes suddenly found themselves paralyzed. With offices closed, the only realistic option was for employees to work from their homes. Existing infrastructure proved inadequate to support the sudden rise of remote work. Creating a secure network is easy if all employees are under one roof, but with work spread across a thousand different locations, things get a little more complicated.

Many companies had to transform their centralized networks to make them remote-ready. Tools such as cloud computing and network micro-segmentation help reduce IT departments’ workload already stretched thin by sudden changes to the work process. Investments in cloud infrastructure ensure that you can accommodate more remote employees than ever.

2. Facilitate communication

We’ve all invested in basic communication and teleconferencing tools, but it’s time to take it one step further. Your most important asset is your employees, and you need to create the right environment that will facilitate communication, creativity, and camaraderie. For now, we’ll have to make do with video calls and group chats, but if anything new comes up, you owe it to your employees to test it.

3. Strengthen network security

There’s only so much you can do to secure your data. But with remote work arrangements, the challenges are compounded. Businesses are at risk of losing valuable data due to inadequate security systems. It’s easier to commit corporate espionage and data theft if the network is vulnerable. Investments in cybersecurity will make it more difficult for threat actors to compromise your business.

There’s no shortage of challenges when it comes to managing a remote workforce. There’s nothing you can do if the home internet is too slow. Troubleshooting problems is also more difficult if you can’t physically access the device. And you have to balance user permissions with network access. You will need to write a new rule book when it comes to remote infrastructure and security.

4. Streamline processes

You don’t have to give up all your office space just because everyone’s at home. You still need a centralized location for operations and infrastructure management. However, remote work also provides a silver lining. Consider automating some office processes and migrating low-level systems. That way, you reduce your IT department’s workload and allow them to focus on high-priority tasks. The goal is to create a more nimble system to improve response rates.

5. Prioritize quality

First things first, you’ll have to throw out your old timelines. Work is already challenging enough in the old setup, and if you add remote work to the mix, delays are to be expected. But you shouldn’t assume that business should continue as usual. Take the time to study how these changes will affect output.

You can’t have it both good and fast unless you’re willing to throw lots of money at the problem. If you want to maintain the same quality level, you’ll need to make a few adjustments and investments. If you want the deliverables right away, quality might suffer. Think about what you want to accomplish and start there.

6. Upgrade the office

And I’m not talking about the physical office. In a remote work setup, the network is your new playground. You’ll need to invest in new software and hardware to improve preparedness, efficiency, and productivity. Your existing software might not be enough to meet the needs of a remote workforce. Shop around for new solutions and test them. You also need to buy new computers for workers who don’t have one.

A final word

These are some things you need to do to make your business more responsive to the new economy’s needs. Things will eventually recover, but the business landscape will never be as it was.

Judith Arevalo

I am a good Mom, have two active children. I am working in a beauty and spa company but now I also decided to make its own profession. So I am here to learn and teach.

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