5 Blunders Business Owners Make When Moving Offices – How to Avoid Them
5 Blunders Business Owners Make When Moving Offices – How to Avoid Them
Moving offices? You’re probably as stressed about the move as you are excited about the new space you’ll soon be occupying. While it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of work that needs to be done, you can sail through this complicated process by avoiding the mistakes below. 5 blunders business owners make when moving offices – how to avoid them.
1. Poor Handling of Removalists
Some businesses will simply hand over their hard-earned profits to the first removalist company that pops up after a Google search. This can see you paying way too much for the move or dealing with a flaky company. To avoid running into these sorts of dramas, it’s always a good idea to compare cheap removalists in Melbourne before selecting a supplier.
At the other end of the spectrum, some businesses decide to “save money” by relying on their staff. This leaves you open to all sorts of issues and can void your insurance coverage, so it is best to avoid going down this route.
2. Getting More Space Than You Need
If you’re looking to scale aggressively following your move, it could be appropriate to rent a larger building with more facilities than you need presently. If this is not the case, however, you’re better off looking into office space for rent rather than committing to something larger than necessary.
Getting a space that’s larger than you need is bad for your budget, but it could also be problematic for the environment and your team. A larger space requires more resources to run, which isn’t ideal for your carbon footprint. Meanwhile, your staff may feel disconnected from each other if they’re spread out and unable to easily communicate. So think carefully before settling on your new business space.
3. Leaving IT Out of the Loop
We operate in a digital age, and most businesses rely on either an in-house IT department or an outsourced IT provider to run smoothly. Leaving them out of the loop can be a costly mistake.
Without IT’s input, your move might lead to downtime, or worse, lost data. So you must ensure they know exactly what’s happening and when it will be going down. You may also have more significant legal obligations in terms of data protection when moving. So it’s best to let your IT team take the lead in ensuring you’re compliant.
4. Going About Things the Wrong Way with Staff
If you’re moving a significant distance from where you started off, you’re probably going to have at least a few unhappy employees. This can end up causing some pretty significant legal issues if you handle things the wrong way. So if you have a large team and you’re making a substantial move, it may be advisable to engage the services of a quality business lawyer.
5. Ignoring Inventory
When relocating your business, is it absolutely critical that you take full inventory before you leave your old premises and once you’re settled into your new one. This will give you a better idea of how much moving will cost. It’ll also help you ensure everything arrives safely as everyone will know how much of what goes where.
Proper inventory counts are vital for your insurance coverage, so it’s a good idea to do them regularly anyway. However, this task becomes particularly important when moving as you won’t be covered for lost stock or items if you cannot account for them.
These common mistakes can be easily avoided, but only if you plan for them. Now that you’re armed with the above information, moving should be a whole lot easier and safer.