5 Tips to Get Dressed for Travel Parties

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5 Tips to Get Dressed for Travel Parties

Travelling and partying are two irresistibly fun things to do. Period. How about we put them together and bring you the best of both worlds?

Travel parties are a cool affair. Friends, family and the best of wine. It’s a great way to reconnect with loved ones and also build a good relationship with clients. Yes. If you are a great host, people either book through you or become partners. Not to mention the fun-filled travel-vibed environment.  It’s a win-win already!

So, now, someone invites you to a travel party. Or maybe you work for one of those companies that pay you for travelling and your job demands you to hit the road every now and then. Meet new people. Attend parties. And of course, you have got nothing to wear’? Or maybe you are hosting one and unsure of how to dress up. Either way, this article is just for you. Here are 5 important tips that will help you dress-up better and smarter for travel parties. Are you ready to travel around the world? 

So suit up! ( or maybe not..?) 

1. Be yourself

Sounds like another cliche right?

Travel parties are mostly casual events. You don’t have to show up in a tuxedo unless you are wading around the room carrying wine glasses. Show your casual, bold, unapologetic side. It doesn’t necessarily mean you have to look like the Mad Hatter (although that was pretty cool). Let your hair down and wear something that suits your personality. But remember, in muted versions. Subtlety is the key to sophistication. In love with the Caribbean? You can safely go for a long flowy chiffon dress in paisley print. Love Friday dressing and semi-formal shirts? Sure why not. 

2. Comfort is the key

Imagine a situation where you are running around by a poolside looking uptight and almost out of breath in a corset dress. That thing would sure rock a goth meet -up. But for a travel party- not so cool. Wear something comfortable, suiting the occasion and even the weather. If you are having an outdoor party in mid-July, there’s simply no point sweating like a pig, wearing formal shoes, skinny jeans, and a cardigan over a tucked-in formal shirt. Planning a cruise across the Yangtze River in Moscow? You better skip those little black dresses and safari shorts. Nothing looks sexier than dressing comfortably. 

3. Never underestimate the basics

We get so carried away by these Pinterest and Instagram inspirations, that we almost all the time ignore the basics. If someone invites you to a travel party somewhere in your city or even abroad, basic clothing can really help you overcome the wardrobe crisis many a time. Provided you are an ace at layering. Layering is simply magic! A simple tank top with a well-fitted shrug and classic pair of denim is timeless. A thin strap buttoned-down shirt dress in shades of tan or olive with the right accessories is a perfect outfit for a vacation in the savannah. Guys can safely pair a tee with tan-coloured chinos. And if you prefer vintage over designer, skirts should be your best friend. Go back to basics and pack light, nothing beats an ‘I-wear-my-style-look’. 

4. Accessorize the smart way

Accessories can make or break the deal. Dressing up does not stop at – wearing the right clothes. At times you might find ‘something missing’ even after you have put on your best clothes. Here comes in accessorizing. And for travel parties, accessories are a must. It is very inconvenient to carry your entire wardrobe wherever you go. Accessories not only complete the look, but they can also serve as cheat sheets at occasions. Say, for example, there is this awesome pool party…in the Maldives? Would you really care to carry your entire range of beachwear along with you? Of course not. But that is no excuse not to look sexy. A waistband, an anklet or even turquoise statement ring will make you stand out. Sunglasses are a gift of God. They go with everything and do double duty. Speaking of double duty, tote and messenger bags are a great alternative to carrying your entire bag collection with you.  


Shoes. How can we forget those? Travel light whenever possible. You don’t need stilettos, boots, and peep-toes all at the same time. It might seem like we are talking in a loop, but, never compromise on comfort!! Wear what the occasion demands. Jimmy Choos? Of course, if the occasion calls for it. But Jimmy Choos on the beach?? We don’t want to look like an alien creature.  You get the cue, right?

5. And when it is time…SUIT UP!!!

Travel parties are a great way to make new friends, make business connections and share ideas. If you are on a family cruise and there’s a formal evening event coming up. You don’t really want to show up in your minions tee-shirt and Bermuda on the deck. That won’t go very well with a classic Remy Martin Louis xiii. Always remember, opportunity doesn’t give invitations before knocking on your back door. Carry a pair of a formal outfit, just in case the occasion calls for it. 


With all being said and done, there is no point in being uptight. Let your hair down and have fun. Frankly speaking, there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to fashion. Flair and confidence are what matters. Simply keep these pointers in mind and you will rock every travel party!


Bon Vogaye…!!! 



Jessica Smith is Masters in English and journalism and enjoys writing on fashion and lifestyle.

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