3 Ways to Talk to Your Urologist About Adult Circumcision
3 Ways to Talk to Your Urologist About Adult Circumcision
Male reproductive health is a sensitive yet important subject, and it has only become a trend recently for people to educate themselves about this health more and more. If you’ve done your research, you may know that the foreskin on male genitalia is removed in many places across the world for a reason. Since it can serve as a nidus for infection and other health issues, among other things. If you’re interested in doing something about that, you’ll need a way to bring this sensitive topic up to your doctor, so keep reading to find out how you can do that. 3 ways to talk to your urologist about adult circumcision.
1- Be direct
It’s not easy at all to discuss a sensitive topic like adult circumcision, and you may be feeling unsure about discussing the possibility with your doctor, but it’s integral that you come prepared with all the information you have and that you are direct with your intentions and what you’re hoping to get out of the procedure. Circumcision is a complicated procedure that requires complete understanding between the doctor and the patient, which is why the two of you will need to be open and comfortable with each other, going in-depth about what the procedure entails and how your body will react to it even months after it’s done.
Medical professionals are trained in all sorts of things and have seen a lot throughout their intensive training both in medical college and while they’re on the job helping patients. The sum of all this experience results in a deep understanding of both the human body and how to go about talking to patients and discussing their fears. Not only will your doctor keep your potential operation close to their chest until you’re ready to proceed, but they’ll be understanding and patient with you, too, because you’re likely far from the first patient who has discussed this possibility with them.
2- Explain your reasoning
If you’re interested in getting a major procedure like a circumcision done, you likely have a good reason for doing it, whether it’s been recommended to you before by a doctor or you arrived at the conclusion on your own. If you’re concerned about opening up to your doctor, you can instead begin by discussing your discomforts and the medical considerations you think about, which may only be permanently solved by a circumcision, leading your doctor to the conclusion you want them to arrive at. This process may be made simpler if your reasoning is purely health-related.
There are a few conditions that require circumcision as a permanent solution, including phimosis, in which the foreskin is too tight around the genitals, and paraphimosis, in which the foreskin is trapped and can’t be pulled back to its original position. Besides these reasons, you may be interested in circumcision due to religious beliefs or general hygiene concerns, but if you’re open and clear about your reasoning and what you hope to achieve, you’ll be able to communicate effectively with your urologist.
3- Consider benefits and drawbacks
As with most operations, there are benefits and drawbacks associated with circumcision, and you must discuss both possibilities with your urologist before you proceed any further. All you’ll need to do on your part is research the procedure and the effect it can have on adults, as well as what the recovery program looks like, including in-hospital care and other post-operative possibilities. While your doctor is the expert, it’s your body, and it’s up to you to ensure you know as much as you can about the procedure before you go into it, like the drawbacks it can have, including scarring and pain or the benefits, like fixing medical issues, improving hygiene, preventing UTIs and lowering the risk of cancer.
Circumcision is a complicated topic that doesn’t get enough limelight because it’s a sensitive operation and an even more sensitive topic of conversation. However, it’s integral to male reproductive health, and, in many cases, it’s vital to get circumcised regardless of age for all the potential benefits you can get. If that’s what you’re interested in, you’re likely already aware that bringing this topic up may not be the easiest thing in the world, but if you use the information in this article, you’ll be able to find the best possible way to bring this topic up and get your operation done quickly and easily.