5 Alternatives To Coffee You Must Try
5 Alternatives To Coffee You Must Try
Today, let’s talk about caffeine, the thing that we all adore and enjoy. Nothing has ever had a more powerful effect on your senses than the delicious fragrance of coffee. Coffee, like many things in life, is good for us and has long been engraved in our morning routines. From this we already know it boosts our productivity and has some health benefits.
However, how much coffee is too much and are we drinking more than we need to?
Most of us we’re guilty and we know the answer to this.
This dependency is a hint that it’s time to look for a new one.
Here are 5 alternatives to coffee you can try today.
1. Herbal tea
Photo by Anna Pou
These are a great way to get a little bit of caffeine without going overboard. They also offer a variety of health benefits, depending on the specific herbs used. For example, it can aid in sleep disorders such as restless sleep or insomnia.
Green tea is a good alternative to coffee if you’re looking for something with less caffeine.
For stronger alternatives valerian tea works as a natural sedative, allowing you to fall asleep faster and rest better. Because this tea can be strong, use it cautiously and only consume it for two weeks at a time.
In contrast, caffeine alters brain chemistry so having too much of it can cause anxiety, depression, irritability, and more.
For a real estate agent at Glenfield after switching to herbal tea “my mood was more balanced throughout the day, and I don’t think about when I’ll be able to have my next fix of coffee anymore.”
2. Decaf coffee
This is coffee, made from beans that have had at least 97% of their caffeine removed. It’s a great option for those who want to reduce their caffeine intake but can’t give up coffee entirely.
The controversy here is that it has a flavour that is worse than ordinary coffee. The other side of the spectrum says that there is no differentiation. “Tomato, Tomato,” says a saleswoman from A1 to all her colleagues and clients.
Decaf looks the same as caffeinated coffee with some of the same benefits, just without the jitters and crash; that comes with too much caffeine.
3. Coconut water
This one is a great alternative to coffee and is often referred to as being called the miracle drink by many. It’s low in calories but high in natural minerals. The catch is that coconut water offers the same benefits as caffeine such as the punching adrenaline rush and a spike in dopamine levels. All this without the side effects. To add to this, it is also packed with electrolytes making it one of the most hydrating drinks in the market!
A cup of coffee to go doesn’t come cheap, so coconut water has all the health benefits plus saves you money for the better things in your life.
4. Chicory coffee
If you can’t stay away from the taste of regular coffee, chicory coffee is a proper substitute due to its similar flavour. Chicory root, which has been gaining popularity, is high in antioxidants and may help to manage blood sugar and enhance digestive health.
Switching to this alternative has made a huge difference in the energy levels upon waking up, especially for construction workers at the Little Project Builder where early mornings are common.
5. Matcha
A popular powdered ingredient processed from green tea leaves.
Much like the previous alternatives, matcha has a better “caffeine high”.
In contrast to caffeine, spikes and crashes don’t arise. Matcha when processed through your body comes on as gently as it goes in and as it leaves. It creates a calm alertness with just a sixth of the caffeine of coffee
Not only this, matcha has been used for centuries by Japanese women as a facial mask to clear up acne. Matcha’s antibacterial properties help to give the skin a natural radiance.