5 Ways to Be A Great Boss This Summer

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5 Ways to Be A Great Boss This Summer

The summer heat is kicking up now, and we’re willing to bet that you’d rather be on a beach having a barbecue with your mates than stuck in some sweaty office or warehouse all day?

Summertime is great, but there can be hours of productivity lost just because employees feel a bit undervalued this time of year. From the extended holidays to missing the only sunny days, getting people into the spirit of summer and keeping their attention on the job isn’t always that easy.

  No More Lost Productivity

As a great boss of people, you need to put yourself in your employee’s shoes and decide how to tackle the situation of summertime blues with your employees. Some options won’t be feasible, but sometimes a little adjustment to the workday or work routine can make a big impact on the productivity of your team.

Here are five ideas for getting your employees motivated about working during the summertime. Some of them might not be right for your business, but those who adapt can survive anything. So read about the 5 ways to be a great boss this summer.

1. Keep Employees Comfortable

One of the biggest and most frequent complaints employees have about their working environment is that it’s uncomfortable. Hot, sweaty factory floors, and even sweltering offices, if you want them to work, they need to be comfortable in their workplace.

Installing a Portable Air Conditioner is a great way to keep fresh air moving and cool the area down. A nice quiet one will help to keep everyone focused on the task, rather than the heat.

2. Stagger Holiday Times

How frustrating is it when all of the holiday time is taken up? It can be tough to balance, especially with working parents wanting all of the school holidays off.

You need to consider your singleton workers though, so you need to make it a priority that everyone gets a fair amount of time off. Set day number limits and if more than is acceptable, want the same time off, sit them down like adults to help facilitate a discussion.

 3. Ice Creams

Ok, this tip is a bit corny, but it still works even with adults! If the day is really hot and you can afford it, why not treat the team to ice creams or ice lollies?

Obviously, with this one, you’d need to watch for dietary requirements, but free ice cream is always a boost for morale!

4. Half-Day Closing

Can your business shut down for half a day? Have a look at the weather forecast and give a half-day off to everyone.

Plan it in advance if you can to ensure suppliers aren’t left short, but a social trip to the pub could be great for employee relations!

5. Cooler Clothing Allowance

If your business is in an office and has either a uniform or dress-code, now might be the time to relax that a little. Everything from dress-down Friday to shorts-are-allowed policies will be welcomed by your employees in hot weather!

Judith Arevalo

I am a good Mom, have two active children. I am working in a beauty and spa company but now I also decided to make its own profession. So I am here to learn and teach.

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