6 Reasons you should buy a Fitbit now

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6 Reasons you should buy a Fitbit now

The basic purpose of purchasing a Fitbit is perhaps the most important and crucial one, and that is to help keep track of your fitness progression. A Fitbit will allow you to keep an accurate check of how active and productive you successfully have been in a day.

Fitbits are especially beneficial for those who are constantly working and are busy with seldom or no time to spare for their fitness and health. Wearing a Fitbit will allow them to:

  • Take responsibility for their own health and fitness. Every time they look at their wrist to find out about the time; they will immediately be reminded how much they have worked out that day.
  • To keep goals that can be achieved easily and slowly they will be encouraged to set higher fitness goals for themselves.
  • Fitbit will be like a silent trainer that is keeping a track record of their fitness activity, without the individual having to be too worried about their progress.

Here are 6 reasons you should buy a Fitbit now.

1. Helps to create a competitive spirit in you

Since you can keep track with your friends and family, the Fitbit actually encourages a healthy competitive spirit in you that allows you to push further and work harder to exceed others. Your friends and family can further encourage you with cheerful words or by taunting and nagging you if you haven’t performed that well. When you start any fitness goal with your friends and family, you will always feel more motivated and encouraged because you either harbour a feeling of doing better than them; or you simply feel supported.

Most importantly Fitbits can also encourage the feeling of being competitive with your own self as well; after you have realized your potential and are done following the same routine, you feel passionate to increase that goal and push your limits to be better every day. You will surprisingly find yourself changing into your workout shirts and hitting the gym regularly!

Anyone who is suffering from being motivated to work out needs a health buddy like the Fit Bit to help them become better gradually.

2. They help keep a track of your sleeping pattern

Having a healthy sleeping cycle is necessary for everyone in order to function at an optimum level. Your body needs to sleep and relax for certain hours of the night and the Fitbit will help you track that. Fitbit also tells you about the quality of your sleep and whether your body was at peace the entire night or not.

This feature can actually help answer a lot of questions; for example, you will get to know why you are so restless all the time, what your blood pressure was during the night and how many disturbances you felt during the night. Having such knowledge helps you to seek help or take measures that will allow you to improve the quality of your sleep.

3. Fitbit will help up your fitness game

It will become so easy and efficient to be able to track your activity on the Fitbit, it will become very easy to reach your targets after you realize that even the slightest effort that you put such as, walking to the kitchen, getting up to go to the bathroom, will be counted. This becomes a huge motivator for wanting to reach your fitness goals; hence you will begin to plan your activities according to your goals.

Maybe you will start looking for reasons that will allow you to get up and walk around; you will begin making frequent runs to the kitchen, you will walk around your office, you will avoid sitting down for too long, especially when you know that all your activities are being monitored.

Because of the psychological effect that Fitbit has on its users, your fitness game is bound to go up.

4. You can’t lie to yourself

You can lie to your trainer, you can lie to your dietician; the only one that you can’t lie to is yourself and the Fitbit will make sure that you can’t escape its watchful eye. At the end of the day you will know that the stats and figures that are showing up on the Fitbit are not incorrect and you will truly know your performance of the day because of that.

Hopefully, if you have been cheating on your diet or workout regime, the stats and figures shown on Fitbit will create a feeling of guilt in you, forcing you to up your game and improve!

5. Fitbit devices are water-resistant

You know that even the smallest activity that you do during your showers helps you to lose weight; the great news is that now you can record those activities and keep a check on them. The water-resistant feature in the Fitbit allows you to monitor your movements during swimming, during the rain, during showers, you don’t need to worry about ruining this device and you can keep wearing the watch stress-free!

6. They are a chic and fashionable choice

At one point the Fitbit actually became a fashion statement in which people started taking it as a fashion trend to wear a FitBit because it implied that you take your fitness very seriously! And no one can doubt that it is a very sleek and chic watch that has been created after much thought in it. Plus the variety of colours that it is available in encourages people to purchase it even more.

The Fitbit will easily become a staple of your day and it will go so perfectly with your workout tops and other activewear that you will not leave the house without wearing it on your wrist!

Mike Jones

This is Mike Jones, a fitness enthusiast, and martial arts lover. I have been training for martial arts since my teenage, and now I own 10 years of martial arts experience.

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