Exploring seven unusual forms of pain relief

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Exploring seven unusual forms of pain relief

Life can be tough when living with persistent pain and aches. While there are no better means of getting treated than through professional help. For many of us, however, the associated costs are too high or there’s simply not an effective enough treatment available to be prescribed. 

Luckily, there are plenty of alternative forms of relief available. That can help relieve individuals of an array of different muscular, dental, arthritic and cellular pains to name but a few. Let’s explore seven stand-out remedies that you may not have tried before. Together we’ll be exploring seven unusual forms of pain relief, some include music, smells and use of herbs.

1. Peppermint essential oil

Exploring seven unusual forms of pain relief- Peppermint

Hailing from the Mentha piperita L. plant, peppermint oil has been found to carry anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and pain-relieving effects

The key compounds found in peppermint oil include carvacrol, menthol and limonene. Users typically rub the oil directly onto the areas that they wish to treat. A 2015 study from Science Direct has even linked the treatment as a particularly popular practice among people looking to relieve painful spasms. As well as other problems linked to arthritis. 

It’s important to note that peppermint oil has been known to cause allergic reactions. So, it’s vital to ensure that you’re not allergic to the treatment before coming into contact. 

2. Red Bali Kratom

Hailing from Southeast Asia, Kratom has forged a strong reputation as a herbal pain killer. The leaves used to produce Kratom are part of a tropical evergreen tree and are recognised as a member of the coffee family. 

The key ingredient for pain relief within Kratom comes via the alkaloid, 7-hydroxy mitragynine which influences your brain’s opioid receptors, decreasing your perception of pain. Nootroholic identifies Red Bali Kratom is an excellent product that’s ‘highly sedative and analgesic’ – thus making it a strong choice to use at night. 

It’s important to note that Kratom isn’t formally approved for usage by the Food and Drug Administration.  Its usage may be prohibited within the country or state that you’re based. 

3. Tai Chi

Another natural approach to pain relief coming from Southeast Asia can be found in Tai Chi. While many of us are familiar with the use of yoga and meditation as a means of relieving pain, Tai Chi can have a great influence in reducing chronic pain

Practitioners of Tai Chi typically rely on conducting a series of slow, gentle movements that are linked to deep breathing exercises as a means of creating a form of moving meditation. 

Tai Chi is typically linked to pain relief from both emotional and physical ailments – including chronic pain. 

4. Biofeedback

Exploring seven unusual forms of pain relief- Biofeedback

Away from the more traditional methods of the Orient and into a more modern approach now. Biofeedback represents an extremely efficient way of getting to the heart of your ailments. 

The technique involves relaxation and breathing exercises all conducted while being connected to a biofeedback machine, which captures data surrounding a user’s physiological functions like heart rate and blood pressure. 

It’s through Biofeedback that users can gain a deeper understanding of what’s causing them physical pain. While potentially providing them with the capability of controlling it. 

5. Music therapy

The power of music must never be underestimated when it comes to pain relief. Listening to the right kind of sounds can have an effect not-too-dissimilar to that of meditation. 

Harvard Medical School points to music therapy as a great way of recovering from the pain of childbirth or surgery, and that classical music, in particular, was effective. 

While the more soothing tones of classical music can help to cause a distraction from pain. There’s no harm in trying your favourite genre. The aim of the game is to take your mind away from discomfort in a non-invasive way. 

6. Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a form of pain relief that’s almost as old as time. For thousands of years, civilizations have been using scents from essential plant oils and natural sources. As a means of rebuilding their health – and with good reason. Everyday Health reports that studies have shown decreases in pain symptoms of people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, headaches and cancer among other illnesses. 

7. Cloves

Different treatments have evolved for different pains over millennia. When it comes to dental problems, cloves have become one of the most popular home remedies around.

MedicalNewsToday states that clove gel can be as effective as benzocaine gel when it comes to aches and pains in the mouth. Experts also believe that cloves carry antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antiviral properties – although more research may be needed before the benefits of cloves beyond the relief of toothache can be acknowledged.


Joshua is a health and tech writer based in London, UK.

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