Why do Women chase bad boys?
Why do Women chase bad boys?
Whether it’s designer clothes, unlimited bread sticks or men who will never settle… Women crave what they can’t have. Why do women chase bad boys?
Is it the rush, the anticipation, the amazing feeling of having something you know you shouldn’t even be thinking about? Maybe it’s that warm, buttery feeling of the first bite and the exciting thrill of a man’s arms around you.
But what happens after? When you’re crying in your room over the man who broke your heart? What about that sick feeling when you know it’s your fault? Why do we always chase the hopeless case?
The hopeless case of a man who’s just bad news. He’s the one who will never settle down with you, who will always cheat on you and will never apologize. He’s the smooth talker, the charmer, the one who just has that something about him. He’s also the one who forgets to call, never follows through and is most likely always with another woman.
They are our weaknesses, our kryptonite who are able to bring any rational woman to her knees, writhing in pain. So before you hide in the rabbit hole, here’s why you’re so damn attracted to them.
We’ve Always Wanted To Be A Bond Girl
Women crave danger as much as men do, even if there are no guns in our scenarios. Though we don’t always crave physical violence, we definitely crave the emotional thrashings that can leave us writhing and bleeding on the ground.
We like the idea of gambling with our hearts if it means a few hours, weeks, months or years with a man who will make it a race. The thrill of going after a man who can’t be tamed is addictive and intoxicating.
We’re All Masochists
Whether we admit it to ourselves or not, we’re all habitual self-inflicters of pain. We do things to ourselves that are not only dangerous but knowingly harmful. We buy uncomfortable shoes, walk home alone and drunk, and go out with men who will definitely break our hearts.
Many women like to pretend that they don’t know he’ll be like this when they start dating, but that’s just another sign of how we like to hurt ourselves: lying to ourselves.
We do things two, three, four times after learning something is bad for us just because we’ve gotten in the habit and think we like it.
No Two Hopeless Cases Are The Same
The main attraction to the hopeless case is his uniqueness. These men are different than the guys you know you can get and are much more exciting than your average Joe.
They are the men you don’t know how to predict and most definitely keep you on your toes. They are the ones who have their own style, their own game and most definitely their own way of leading you on and leaving you.
We Secretly Love Drama
Some women love drama as much as they love danger. They crave the tears, the fights and the screaming the same way they crave heartbreak. Because heartbreak is better than feeling nothing, right? And some drama is always better than a life of planned schedules and boring relationships.
However, like the ladies of “Real Housewives” and “Bad Girls Club,” the drama will always end, but at a price. Women will chase the hopeless case until they get hurt, tired and scared enough to finally crave the stable and secure man.