5 Proven Tips For A Healthy And Stress-Free Pregnancy

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5 Proven Tips For A Healthy And Stress-Free Pregnancy

The miracle of pregnancy is one nobody can dispute. It is fascinating to see your body go through changes just to make sure that tiny human grows and thrives. Although your body will always be the main player, you can complement its efforts by ensuring personal health and happiness. In this piece, we will be serving you with proven pregnancy tips for a happy pregnancy experience and ultimately, a healthy baby. What follows are 5 proven tips for a healthy and stress-free pregnancy.

1. Exercising

Everyone needs to exercise – to stay fit and healthy – and pregnant people are not left out. However, the exercises for pregnant women must not exceed a certain intensity. For best results, you can either go for a pregnancy exercise class or go for a walk of about 20-30 minutes daily at a moderate pace. Ensure that your pregnancy exercises are done in shady and cool areas so that you don’t get too hot. Apart from going for a walk, you can swim or practice yoga.

2. Drinking water

Drinking water comes with a host of health benefits, especially for a pregnant woman. Medical recommendations advise pregnant women to drink at least eight glasses of water daily. This should include a couple of glasses of milk or juice but stay away from sugary drinks. Adequate water consumption keeps the body hydrated, thus preventing or relieving sleeplessness, migraines, and headaches.

3. Well-balanced meals

While the average person is advised to eat three times every day, during the second and third trimester a pregnant woman’s energy needs increase. During this phase of pregnancy, it’s recommended to increase intake of grain foods, lean meats and other folate-rich foods such as broccoli, leafy greens and eggs.

Folate-rich foods are known to contribute to the proper development of the neural tube of the growing baby while helping the woman produce more new red blood cells.

4. Fish

Science has reasons and evidence to believe fish has a lot of benefits for pregnant women. A 2007 study of about 12,000 children showed that children whose mothers consumed more fish during pregnancy are smarter and have sharper communication and motor skills, compared to children whose mothers consumed less or no fish. Apart from reducing bad cholesterol in the mother, fish can be greatly beneficial to the health of an unborn child.

5. Take chocolates

The last on the list is sure to please and that is chocolate. The soothing effects of eating chocolates are simply fantastic. However, it does much more. According to a survey carried out in Denmark among over 50,000 respondents, lovers of chocolate are less susceptible to having atrial fibrillation – a condition of irregular heartbeat that leads to stroke. Likewise, scientific evidence has confirmed a significant reduction in the risk of preeclampsia in pregnant women that consume chocolate.


The journey through pregnancy, though fascinating, can come with a few challenges, but nothing is as rewarding than when you see that bundle of joy in the end. Remember to take care of yourself and your body to stay happy and healthy throughout your pregnancy.

Emma Taylor

I’m a proud beauty and entertainment writer at Search Frog. I’m adventurous and have a longtime relationship with chocolate and ice cream!

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