8 Ways To Relieve Stress During Exam Season

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8 Ways To Relieve Stress During Exam Season

It’s exam season, and you’re probably feeling stressed out. I know that I do! It can be hard to know what to do in order to relieve stress during this time of year. Luckily, there are plenty of things you can try that will help you get through this stressful time in your life as smoothly as possible! Here are 8 ways to relieve stress during exam season.

1. Take a break

One of the best ways to relieve stress during exam season is to take a break from studying.

Take a 15-minute break every hour. It’s easy to get lost in your work, so set a timer to remind yourself when it’s time for a break. You can also use this opportunity to do something unrelated to schoolwork — such as taking a walk outside or calling up an old friend who isn’t involved with the school at all!

2. Get a massage

Getting a massage is a great way to relax. Massage therapy can help with stress, anxiety, and depression by reducing the levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) in your body. It also helps improve blood flow and muscle tension which may reduce pain from injuries or other ailments.

3. Take a bath or shower

Taking a bath or shower is one of the easiest ways to relieve stress during exam season. It’s relaxing, helps to ease tension and stress, and it can be done in the morning or evening. This is also a good time to relax and think about your day, so if there are any areas where you need improvement then this is the perfect opportunity to reflect on them.

Taking a bath or shower at night may help you sleep better at night as well!

4. Do some yoga poses

Yoga is a great way to relieve stress and improve your overall health. There are many yoga poses that can help you relax, including the cat pose and the downward dog pose.

Here are some other ways you can incorporate yoga into your exam season training schedule:

  • Do some deep breathing exercises. Take a few minutes at the beginning of each day to do some deep breathing exercises before getting started on any work or studying. This will help calm down any nervous energy that may be causing additional stress in your life during exam season!
  • Check out YouTube videos for inspiration! Many people find it helpful to watch video tutorials on specific poses so they know how they’re supposed to look when performing them correctly (and safely).

5. Listen to music

Listening to music can help you relax and focus. You can listen while studying, or before going to sleep. Music with a tempo that matches your heart rate can also be helpful if you’re feeling anxious during exam season. It’s best if you listen with headphones so that other people aren’t disturbed by the noise coming from your phone or computer speakers–and don’t forget about volume control!

6. Learn smarter, not harder

Research shows that deep learning is more effective than rote memorization when it comes to retaining information over time. In other words, it’s better if you learn how things work (theories) rather than simply memorizing facts in the first place. When you learn the theories behind things like chemistry formulas or math concepts, they will stick with you longer than if they were simply memorized from rote repetition alone. Also, do not forget about the preparation for the test itself. One quality GAMSAT preparation will be enough to really show your knowledge on the exam.

7. Go for a walk outside

  • Get some fresh air.
  • Do some exercise.
  • Be in nature and enjoy the sunshine or rain, depending on what you’re into!

Take a friend along for the walk if you’re feeling lonely or stressed out–it’s great to have people around who care about you and want to help make sure all of your exams go well! If there aren’t any friends available at that moment, take your dog for an outdoor adventure instead!

8. Eat healthy meals and snacks

  • Eat a balanced diet. A healthy, well-balanced diet will help you to stay energized and focused during your studies.
  • Get enough sleep. Sleep helps to re-energize your body and mind, so make sure that you are getting at least seven hours per night!
  • Avoid sugary foods and drinks. Sugary snacks can cause blood sugar levels to rise rapidly, then crash just as quickly–leading many people who eat them regularly into an endless cycle of fatigue and stress (not good). Try eating less processed foods instead; they’ll keep you feeling full longer without all those extra calories from sugar or fat!
  • Eat healthy snacks between meals if needed (but don’t replace meals with them). This can keep hunger from becoming overwhelming when studying late into the night – but don’t forget about breakfast tomorrow morning!

I hope these tips have helped you to reduce your stress levels during exam season. The most important thing is to remember that there is no right or wrong way to do things–just whatever works best for you! If one strategy doesn’t feel right at the moment, try another until something clicks. And remember: if all else fails, take a nap!


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Mike is an Australian business consulting specialist. He often writes about technology, business and marketing and is a regular contributor on several sites.

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