How to Soothe Your Dog’s Skin Allergies

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How to Soothe Your Dog’s Skin Allergies

While many dogs seem like they can just plough through life with no concerns, they are actually very sensitive creatures. Your dog’s mental and physical health is your responsibility, and part of that is ensuring that they are as comfortable as possible.

Dogs can suffer from skin allergies just like humans, and it’s important to address the problem quickly. After all, a dog that is too distracted by itching will be less responsive during basic obedience training and will tend to be more reactive to surprising or unexpected situations. Learn how to soothe your dog’s skin allergies.

Dog breeders in Queensland make it a point to soothe dog allergies early on to prevent major irritations and wounds caused by scratching.

What Causes Skin Allergies?

Skin allergies in dogs are very common and can be caused by a variety of factors. In order to better understand the causes of skin allergies in dogs, it is important to recognize the different types of allergens that may be causing the reaction.

The most common allergen for dogs is environmental, meaning that they are reacting to something in their environment such as dust mites, pollen, or mould spores. Treatment for this type of allergy typically involves avoiding exposure to the allergen by keeping your dog away from areas where allergens could be present or using air purifiers in your home.

Food allergies are another type of allergy that can affect dogs. Common food allergens for dogs include beef, dairy products, wheat, soy, and corn. The symptoms of a food allergy are not limited to the skin, as the dog may also develop digestive issues. Treatment often involves switching your dog’s diet to one that does not contain any potential allergens or sticking to a hypoallergenic diet.

In some cases, skin allergies can also be caused by fleas or other parasites such as ticks or mites. Flea bites commonly cause itchy bumps on the skin. Dogs are prone to scratching or biting at these itchy bumps, causing hair loss and painful hot spots.

There are also certain medical conditions that can lead to allergic reactions in dogs, such as mange or seborrhea sicca (dry flaky skin). These conditions can cause severe itching and discomfort for your dog so it is important to seek veterinary care if you suspect your pet has an underlying condition causing their allergic reaction.

How Do You Find Out The Cause of Skin Allergies?

Sometimes the cause is simple to diagnose – perhaps your dog ate chicken for their dinner and immediately broke out into rashes and bumps. However, most of the time it is much more difficult to isolate one single ingredient that causes the reaction.

The best way to diagnose an allergic reaction in your dog is by visiting your veterinarian for a full physical exam. Your vet will look for signs of skin irritation and may perform diagnostic tests such as a blood test or skin scraping to identify any potential allergens that could be causing your pet’s itchiness.

How Do You Soothe Your Dog’s Allergies?

Once the offending allergen has been identified there are several ways you can treat your pet’s allergy, depending on its severity:

1. Start with a Colloidal Oatmeal Bath

Colloidal oatmeal can help relieve itching caused by skin allergies because it contains anti-inflammatory properties that soothe the skin and reduce inflammation. To use pre-made colloidal oatmeal as a treatment for your pup’s skin allergies, fill up their bathtub with warm water (not hot) and add 1/2 cup of colloidal oatmeal per gallon of water.

Allow your dog to soak in the tub for 10-15 minutes, massaging the oatmeal mixture into the areas with the worst itching. Rinse your dog thoroughly once the time is up, and dry them with a towel.

2. Apply Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a natural remedy that has long been used for its healing and soothing properties and can be an effective way to relieve itching in dogs. Look for pure aloe vera gel or cream specifically designed for use on pets. Avoid products containing alcohol, fragrances, or other ingredients that may further irritate your dog’s skin.

Take some of the gel or cream and apply it directly to your dog’s skin, massaging it in until it is absorbed. Only spread a light layer – if you can run your finger through the gel, it’s too much.

3. Try Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a natural antiseptic antibacterial agent which can help soothe the skin and reduce itching. However, it’s best not to use this on broken skin, as it can cause irritation.

The best way to use apple cider vinegar to soothe your dog’s itchy skin is to make an apple cider vinegar rinse. This can be done by mixing one cup of apple cider vinegar with two cups of warm water in a spray bottle or bowl. Make sure the solution is well mixed before using it on your dog’s coat.

Once you have prepared the solution, gently spray or dab it onto your dog’s skin, taking care not to get any in the eyes or mouth.

4. Keep Away From Allergens

Prevention is always better than a cure. Staying away from the allergens that cause your dog to itch is always going to be effective, so that should be the first priority to help soothe your dog’s itchy skin. For food allergies, this is relatively simple, but if environmental allergies are suspected then changing up your pet’s environment can help limit exposure to potential allergens such as dust mites and pollen. This might involve changing bedding frequently, washing toys regularly, and avoiding certain areas outdoors that could trigger a reaction. It also helps if you keep windows closed during pollen season so that pollen doesn’t get inside your home.

Because there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to managing allergies in dogs, it’s important that you work closely with a trusted veterinarian so that you can come up with an appropriate plan tailored specifically to your dog’s needs.

Featured photo by Dominika Roseclay in Pexels
Hannah Murray

Hannah is a freelance travel and fashion writer who prides herself in finding the perfect tours and operators to make your journey as authentic and memorable as possible.

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