Is Your Hot Water System Malfunctioning?
Is Your Hot Water System Malfunctioning?
Are you experiencing hot water system problems? If your hot water system is not working correctly, then it can get tricky to detect the underlying issue. If you want to know the root cause that can cause the hot water system to malfunction, then read on to uncover what the professional plumbers Sydney have to say concerning hot water system issues. Is your hot water system malfunctioning?
Water Leaks
Check your hot water system’s storage tank. If you find plenty of water gathered around your electric hot water system, then leakage might be an issue. Immediately, switch OFF your electric hot water system from the switchboard and call a certified plumber for hot water system repairs in Sydney. Working with electricity and water can get riskier, which necessitates expert intervention for the right solutions.
Defective or Malfunctioning Thermostat
The thermostat provides information to the heating components when to begin heating the water; as it oversees the temperature of the water inside the storage tank. If the thermostat does not function as intended; then it could pose an issue. As you’ll either get too cold or too hot water, both not recommended for daily use. One way to check for a faulty thermostat is; by comparing the temperature of the dispensed water to the gauge connected to your water heating system.
Heating Components Exhausted or Damaged
Another common issue where hot water system may not work correctly; is when the electric components in the water tank are exhausted or damaged. It can affect the hot water system’s ability to heat the water inside the storage tank efficiently on time. If this problem is detected; then you may have to either repair or install new heating components to make your hot water system functional.
Ageing Issues
These days, most of the hot water systems designed and made to last for specified years. However, hot water systems that complete their intended operational years and continue to operate; can tend to malfunction or stop functioning altogether. With time, reduced performance can signal ageing issues. Regular and constant use may have lessened the longevity of your hot water system. Which can mean that you do not require hot water system repairs; instead, you need a brand-new hot water system installation. Therefore, it is vital to get regular hot water system inspections carried out by your local, professional plumber.
Energy Supply Issues
Inspect to see if your switches have been switched OFF or have tripped. One of the common issues is of blown fuses. Which can make you think that you need hot water system repairs. For instance, if you have switched it OFF, but it continues to switch itself OFF in the time after; then it is suggested to get an electrician to look at your electric circuit board and inspect defective wiring. If the switch turned ON and it remains in the ON position and still no energy passing through to the hot water system; then a fuse may have blown.
Final Words
Getting professional help from a licensed plumber is recommended. Not only to lower the downtime of your plumbing system but also to make sure that the problem is solved swiftly and without causing any issues to the rest of your plumbing system.