Against All Odds Lin Ching Lan Dances.
Against All Odds Lin Ching Lan Dances.
Lin Ching Lan knew from very young that her greatest passion was dancing. However, born with a severe hearing impairment she battle against all odds to fulfil her lifelong dream.
Repeatedly, she was turned away from many dancing schools but Lin continued to pursue her dream and learnt that although she can’t hear music, she could feel it.
Lin accredits her hearing impairment to her heightened sense of touch. With this heightened sense she is able to feel the vibrations of the music through wooden floors, therefore allowing her to practice dance and perform on stage.
Obviously, her hearing impairment gave Lin courage and perseverance to continue training and not succumb the struggles of being a dancer who couldn’t hear the music. Her amazing defiance to succumb to everyone’s rejection lead her to win awards at Taipei’s Deaflympic Games, get a leading role in a Taiwanese film and start Taiwan’s first dance troupe for hearing-impaired dancers.
Lin has partnered up with Japanese cosmetics brand SK-II for their #Changedestiny campaign. The campaign seeks to empower women to pursue their dreams in spite of whatever might stand in their way.
There are many women supporting this remarkable campaign, one such woman is Academy award-winning actress Cate Blanchet and now Ching Lan.