Spring Clean Your Interior Design – 5 Trends to Take Note of in 2019
Spring Clean Your Interior Design – 5 Trends to Take Note of in 2019
People are always looking for ways to keep their living spaces fresh and contemporary. Here are five interior trends to keep track of in 2019. That will transform your space and help you to achieve the home of your dreams. Spring clean interior design – 5 trends to take note of in 2019.
One sure way to brighten the interior of your home. Is to find a unique piece of art and to make a once boring wall something to brag about. More than an eye-catching addition, art is being used to create wider points of interest that add layers of character and visual flow. Thinking of adding art to your interior space?
Here are the colours set to make a big splash in 2019:
Neutral Designs
Muted contemporary abstracts are set to be huge in 2019. Complementing all interior spaces, art centred around neutral tones adds character and charm to any indoor area. Without dominating or catching the eye.
Dark Tones
Black is the new black. Dark, earthy, abstract art is set to be massive in 2019. A bold choice, art with dark colours and themes exudes sophistication and brings life to any room.
Earthy Patterns
With a widespread move towards sustainable living, 2019 art looks set to follow this trend. With botanical prints and floral designs a big hit. Earthy tones and visual greenery are going to be popular.
Minimalist Approach to Design
With the rise of organisation sensations such a Marie Kondo, more and more people are embracing the minimalist lifestyle. For those who don’t know. Kondo is a consultant who is interested in organising using the “KonMari” method to do so.
When interviewing Kondo, J.J. O’Donoghue wrote in the Japan Times:
“The KonMari method boils down to this: Discard that which does not bring joy to your life. “
This trend is more unique than the others because of one major reason. It doesn’t require you to go out and get anything new. All you have to do is sift through your things. Decide what is worth keeping and abandon the remainder of them.
Becoming a minimalist, no matter how small of a degree that may be. Can free an individual from clutter, stress, and can even allow for more space for more important things. In fact, doing so may just allow for some of the other things Such as the art, plants, books and such. To find a new place in your home.
This has the dual effect of streamlining your everyday life, as well as maximising the value of your home if you ever decide to sell, with property experts at All Image Architects saying, “A home with minimal clutter looks chic, tidy and spacious. These are highly desirable to buyers in the 2019 market. Buyers want to envision their own life, and with a streamlined space you allow them to paint a vivid mental picture that can help drive a sale.”
With the growth of technology and people being far removed from nature. There is a yearning to reach out and be closer to nature. Seen in the way that people use their weekends to go hiking, participate in extreme sports, or travel outside the city. To get away from it all.
But more and more, people are finding themselves time-deprived and not being able to do so. Getting a plant or so for each room in the house can do wonders for mood, and for bringing a touch of nature inside, when one cannot enjoy it outside.
According to mental health expert Leonie O’Connel, “plants also bring softness and warmth by reducing the sharpness of angles that we often see in modern homes. This creates a mindful space that will keep your mind clear of materialistic thoughts.”
Anyone can keep an indoor plant. It requires little to no effort to do so and they usually come in a pot ready to go for display.
They also make a great ornamental plant and a unique conversation starter. Looking for a pot plant to bring nature into your home? Check out our range of exciting and eye catching pot plants.
Technology is everywhere. In fact, it can be hard to put down the phone and leave the tech behind. With almost three-quarters of Australians feeling stressed as a result of workplace technology, turning your home into an oasis of calm should be a priority.
You can do this by adding bookshelves to your interior space that let you take a break from technology and practice valuable mindfulness.
As Mark Twain once said, “In a good book room, you feel in some mysterious way that you are absorbing the wisdom contained in all the books through your skin, without even opening them.”
Contrasting Textures and Colours
The intertwining of various colours and contrasting textures is a great way to take an otherwise bland space and turn it into a fresh and appealing one.
Brisbane based interior decorator Gary Hamer comments on current trends, “Velvet, has arrived in many different ways in 2019 and can occupy our senses and help us to relax. Velvet furniture, velvet blankets, velvet cushions and velvet clothing. Velvet everything.”
In the interior of a home, active, passive and neutral colours must all be used. The active and passive colours give form and character to the room. Whilst the neutral colours ground the entire scheme by balancing it.
These colours can be used to invoke a certain mood or feel for the person that spends time in that room.
Final Thoughts
It’s easy to make your home look and feel good. Just follow these 2019 trends and you’ll be adding colour and charm to your home, which won’t just make every day a little bit brighter, but increase the value of your home too. Are you ready to make 2019 the year you started utilising interior design’s latest trends?