Why you Should Hire a Musician Over a DJ for Your Wedding
Why you Should Hire a Musician Over a DJ for Your Wedding
Your wedding should be the happiest memory of your life. Every little thing should be perfect. After all, your wedding is symbolic of the rest of your life. If your wedding has a bunch of small slight imperfections and inconsistencies; then you might be unhappy moving forward.
One of the most significant decisions to make while planning a wedding is; whether to have a DJ or a musician/band. Most people decide to have a DJ; because they think that they will have more variety when it comes to song choices. This will then let the music reach out to more people. This thought process is sadly mistaken. Below is a list of reasons why you should have a musician play at your wedding. Below are some reasons why you should hire a musician over a DJ for your wedding.
People Will Dance!
One of the biggest concerns when choosing live music over a DJ is: will people dance? With DJ’s they have an extensive song variety; and with studio produced music, there is much more variety of the sounds that can be made. Some of these sounds include electronic noises that make people want to dance.
There is nothing to worry about. Live music is more fun to dance to because it feels real, and it is right there. People aren’t afraid to get up in front of a band and dance; as long as there is an open bar!
Little Details
Nobody wants to hear the same song they hear every day played on the radio. With live music and bands, many little differences and intricacies can make the music much more personable and enjoyable.
These little intricacies can lead to many more memories; because when you hear the song in its original version, you will remember what that singer or band did. Also, there are many acoustic singers for hire who do a great job of making songs their own.
You can be specific about the type of mood you want at your wedding if you choose the right band. Some bands have different feels and vibes than others. This can set the kind of tone you want for your wedding.
Overall, having a musician play at your wedding will make everybody happier and, in turn, make you more comfortable. The music experience at your wedding will be better, and you will get to experience live music at one of the most crucial moments in your life.
Making sure you are happy during your wedding is everybody’s priority, but one of the most vital steps in making this happen is hiring live music instead of a DJ. Thinking about everybody else’s happiness when planning a wedding is a recipe for disappointment because all you are going to think about is what everybody else thinks. If you think about what you want and the experience you want to have, your wedding, and the rest of your life will be much better off.