Choosing the Right Contact Lenses

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Choosing the Right Contact Lenses

We live in the age when so many medical problems can be fixed with relative ease. Even a big one like our eyes. Glasses, while a readily available option and a great fashion accessory are not the only options. A lot of people nowadays are choosing something more subtle – contact lenses. But if you are experiencing problems with your vision and debating what kind of lenses you should get, here is a comparison of the most common types to help you decide what is best for you. Choosing the right contact lenses for yourself is important.

Disposable contacts

If you need contacts fast, and you don’t have time to check in with your doctor for a recommendation, disposable contacts are a pretty safe bet. They are worn for only a day, and when you take them out, you throw them away. There’s no maintenance needed, so they are a hassle-free option. However, this does mean they are more expensive than other options because you need a new pair every time. They are great for people who usually wear glasses, but want to have contacts for special events.

Choosing the Right Contact Lenses-Extended wear contacts

Daily wear contacts

This is the most popular type of contacts, and the most affordable. They are worn throughout the day, but have to be taken out every night and be thoroughly cleaned. Depending on the lenses, they need to be replaced every two or four weeks. These are the best option for people who wear contacts daily, but you will still need to have at least one pair of glasses for when you take your contacts out, or if something happens to your eyes that prevents you from wearing them. Since these are contacts you will be wearing often, you might have to go through a few different options before you find the perfect fit.

Extended wear contacts

These contacts are made to be worn for long periods of time, even during your sleep. They are good because there’s no hassle of maintenance and you don’t have to think about it too much, but doctors do warn of the risks of prolonged contact wear, which include contamination and even infection. They aren’t recommended for daily use, but they are a good option for traveling, camping and other situations where you don’t have the means to sanitize the contacts after you take them out.

Specialized contacts

Within these three categories, there are more specifications that cater to people who have different needs for their contacts. For example, people with astigmatism need specialized lenses like Acuvue Oasys, or if you have an irregular eye shape, you might need specialized contacts in order for them to be comfortable. You can also have contacts that change your eye color if that is something you want. The last option is multifocal lenses, which, just like multifocal glasses, are for people who have trouble seeing both far and up-close. They are usually made so that the dominant eye gets a distance lens, and the non-dominant eye gets a near vision lens. However, this can sometimes create problems with focus and filtering out visual distractions.

No matter what type of lenses you opt for, you should always consult your doctor, get a prescription and act accordingly. After you get your lenses, stick to the instructions and if you have any problems, talk to your doctor. You should never wear lenses if you have an infection or any kind of sickness around the eye, or if you notice that the lenses are irritating or drying out your eye. If it is your first time getting lenses, make sure you don’t throw away your glasses – having something on the surface of your eye is a strange sensation and you will need some time to adjust, so just give it time and let your eyes rest often.

Diana Smith

Diana Smith is a full time mom of two beautiful girls interested in topics related to health and alternative medicine.

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