A Few Tips on How to Get the Best Wedding Photos
A Few Tips on How to Get the Best Wedding Photos
Thinking of having photography as a sideline? Or perhaps you are a hobbyist who wants to up their game and tries something new? Wedding photography might be something you’d like to try.
Wedding photography is a vital part of the modern matrimonial event. Through photographs, people can look back at the event and remember precious memories and moments.
To help you prepare for an upcoming wedding photography gig, we have made a list of tips that you can study and follow. Take note that this article will be focusing more on the tips about taking pictures and photographs of the event itself. We won’t be covering prenuptial shoots yet.
This article is divided into three parts: general tips, advice for indoor weddings, and tips for the outdoor types.
General Tips
1. Get to know your venue
Regardless of whether the venue is indoors or outdoors, you must know your venue well enough to be able to make minor predictions on how the lighting plays out or how the weather affects the color payoff in your camera.
We also advise that you get to know the motif as well. Knowing the overall theme and aesthetic is very important so that you can prepare for creative shots and poses for your subjects during the wedding.
2. Mind your manners
Wedding photography is centered on people. The expressions that people make, the gestures, the smiles and tears that shed during the exchange of vows—these are all integral details to a successful wedding shoot.
To be able to capture these details, you have to be respectful to the guests at all times. Subtle actions and nonintrusive attempts are always advised.
3. Carry extra gear all the time
Life is full of surprises, both welcome and feared. This is most especially true for wedding photography.
To avoid glitches, technical difficulties, and loss of data, make sure to pack extra gear and equipment, such as batteries, memory cards, connectors, and wires.
These are just a few reminders and tips before the actual shoot. Now without further ado, let’s get more specific.
Indoor Settings
1. Light is your best friend
Indoor venues for weddings are usually the first choice because of its convenience. Most of the time, the reception happens in closed and shaded areas too. This is the perfect opportunity for you to play around the lights in the venue most especially with your wedding gown in nj.
If you get lucky that the wedding happens during the daytime with plenty of natural light, make sure to use it to your advantage by highlighting important details and aesthetically pleasing elements of the wedding.
You can also maximize the post-processing techniques to bring out details and colours in your photographs.
2. Lookout for the details
Details are important in wedding photography, especially if these seemingly small details symbolize important milestones to the relationship. An example of this is the wedding ring, the details of the gown and suit of the bride and the groom, and other elements to the motif of the venue.
3. Take note of the “firsts”
The first kiss as a couple, first bite, the first handhold, you name it. Firsts are special to both the couple and to the guests, so a photograph of it is something they would be looking forward to seeing.
This advice is essential for outdoor venues too.
Outdoor Settings
1. Light is still your best friend, but so are shadows
What’s tricky with outdoor settings is the amount of light and the direction to where it is headed. This is evident when the wedding is held at noontime when the sun is up and blazing. Make sure to find flattering angles that bring out the smiles and expressions of the couple and the guests.
2. Take advantage of burst shot
In moments where there is a lot of movement, “bursts” or continuous shots are a good option for you. Remember that this mode in picture-taking is also used in sports photography, so the aim is always to capture the moments that are packed with “action”.
Set up your camera to take as much detail as possible. Some details do get blurry with this mode of photography, so be mindful.
3. Take the bigger picture but never forget the “small’ details
The biggest advantage of outdoor weddings is the landscape photographs that you can take. You can incorporate various photography principles and techniques such as the rule of thirds or the vertical or leading lines technique to your shots.
But do bear in mind that details are still very important for outdoor weddings. These details are quite memorable on their own, so make sure to balance them out.
We admit it, wedding photography takes time to master. This is an important event after all, and the pressure to deliver high-quality shots is very high. It is encouraged that you practice in the venue before the actual date so that you can prepare yourself.
Taking shots is only the first step to wedding photography. The post-processing phase is an entirely different occasion too. What’s important is to always stick to the motif or theme of the wedding. The priority is the satisfaction of the couple and their guests, so don’t be shy! Ask questions, get to know your subjects, and gauge their expectations.
And while you’re at it, have fun too. Happy shooting!